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作者:直言了   来源:红色文化网  





直言了,2012-03-09 | 2012-03-11 11:23:46 。

http://zhiyanle.blog.hexun.com/73606810_d.html 。

中国商业部发表了中国驻欧盟使团的新闻布告《欧洲研究机构质疑转基因作物的安全性》(2012-03-09 00:28),全文如下:

欧洲研究机构质疑转基因作物的安全性 。

2012-03-09 00:28 文章来源:欧盟经商处 。

连接:http://www.mofcom.gov.cn/aarticle/i/jyjl/m/201203/20120308005013.html 。

内容::据《欧洲动态》近期报道,总部位于慕尼黑的德国研究机构Testbiotech称,有证据表明转基因玉米MON810产生的毒素,可以通过污染土壤、水或动物饲料对人类健康产生危害。与该研究机构观点相似,法国卡昂大学2月17日发表的研究也显示,有杀虫剂基因的玉米和其他类似转基因作物,对人类健康构成潜在的风险。尽管这些结果不是结论性的并且主要基于对高浓度毒素的研究,但德、法研究人员认为,该结果令人惊讶,而这些风险在以往对转基因作物的评估中被忽略。研究人员称,研究仍需进一步评估,现在就转基因作物对人类健康影响做出结论为时尚早。(王凯园) (首发子站:驻欧盟使团经商参处子站)

报道首发:欧洲研究机构质疑转基因作物的安全性 。

首发日期:2012-03-09 00:28 文章来源:欧盟经商处 。

首发连接:http://eu.mofcom.gov.cn/aarticle/jmxw/201203/20120308005013.html 。







Genetically engineered maize: New indication of health risks Bt protein toxic to human cells

17 February 2012, Caen/ Munich 。

连接:http://www.testbiotech.de/en/node/620 。

The research was supported by GEKKO foundation (Germany). CRIIGEN Association (France) and Testbiotech (Germany) were involved in planning the experiments and the discussion of results. Findings were published after peer review process.


A Comparison of the Effects of Three GM Corn Varieties on Mammalian Health

Jo?l Spiroux de Vend?mois,1 Fran?ois Roullier,1 Dominique Cellier,1,2 and Gilles-Eric Séralini1,3

1. CRIIGEN, 40 rue Monceau, 75008 Paris, France

2. University of Rouen LITIS EA 4108, 76821 Mont-Saint-Aignan, France

3. University of Caen, Institute of Biology, Risk Pole CNRS, EA 2608, 14032 Caen, France

Conflict of Interests: The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.

Received July 23, 2009; Accepted November 17, 2009.



林敏机构还说:欧洲权威机构对转基因玉米MON810的安全性是否进行了评估?笔者查询欧盟食品安全局官方网站,有了重要发现。实际上,转基因玉米MON810的安全性已经通过了欧盟食品安全局(EFSA (European Food Safety Authority)和法国食品安全局AFSAA/ANSES (French Food Safety Authority)的安全性评估,……欧洲食品安全管理局转基因生物安全专家组评估报告的原文链接http://www.efsa.europa.eu/en/efsajournal/pub/1149.htm 。


EU: Scientific Opinion。

on the annual Post-Market Environmental Monitoring(PMEM) report from Monsanto Europe S.A. on the cultivation of genetically modified maize MON810 in 2009 。

EFSA Journal 2011;9(10):2376 [66 pp.]. doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2011.2376 。

Adopted: 07 September 2011 。

Published: 25 October 2011 。

Last updated: 13 January 2012. This version replaces the previous one/s.

连接:http://www.efsa.europa.eu/de/efsajournal/pub/2376.htm 。

内容:From the data submitted by the applicant in its 2009 MON810 report, the EFSA GMO Panel did not identify adverse effects on the environment, human and animal health due to maize MON810 cultivation during the 2009 growing season. The outcomes of the 2009 MON810 report do not invalidate the previous risk assessment conclusions on maize MON810.

However, the EFSA GMO Panel notes a number of shortcomings in the methodology for CSM and GS. Hence, this scientific opinion gives specific recommendations for improvement of the strategy, methodology and reporting for the post-market environmental monitoring (PMEM) of maize MON810. The applicant should take into account the guidance on Post-Market Environmental Monitoring of genetically modified plants as outlined in the recent scientific opinion of the EFSA GMO Panel. The recommendations of the EFSA GMO Panel in this opinion supplement the previous recommendations on PMEM of maize MON810 in the 2009 scientific opinion for the renewal of the authorisation for continued marketing of maize MON810.














Study Questions Safety Of GM Corn As France Seeks EU Ban.

Written by: EurActiv, February 25, 2012.


(EurActiv) — Insecticides present in one of Europe’s most controversial genetically modified crops, MON810 maize, may be harmful to humans, French and German researchers say in a new study that could pour fuel over calls asking to limit such plants in the EU.

The study comes as France’s environment and agricultural ministers this week urged the European Commission to seek an EU-wide ban on the cultivation of MON810, EurActiv.fr reported. The maize is outlawed in Austria, Germany, Greece, Hungary and Luxembourg, while France is threatening to re-impose its own ban that was struck down in court if the EU does not act.

Christoph Then, who heads the Testbiotech research firm in Munich, said there is evidence that MON810 produces a toxin that can be harmful to humans through soil, water or animal feed contamination.

The Testbiotech’s study, in conjunction with research done at the University of Caen, shows that insecticides present in genetically engineered maize and similar crops pose a potential risk to humans. The study was released on 17 February.

Although the results are not conclusive and are based on review of high concentrations of toxins, the German-French team of researchers said the finding was a “surprising outcome and this risk was somehow overlooked” in past assessments of biotech crops.

“We don’t know yet the final impact for the human consumer is, it’s too early to say that,” Then said in a telephone interview. “We are very cautious about saying we have proof that the consumer risk is high, that it needs more assessments.”

Monsanto last month announced it would scrap plans to sell the maize in France despite a French court ruling in November that overturned a 2008 government ban on the sale of MON810.

‘Safe as its conventional counterpart’

The US-based seed and herbicide company has long maintained that MON810 and other genetically modified crops are safe and more environmentally friendly because they produce higher yields, require fewer pesticides and need less water than conventional seeds.

The European Food Safety Authority in 2009 issued an assessment showing that “maize MON810 is as safe as its conventional counterpart with respect to potential effects on human and animal health” and is unlikely to have “any adverse effect on the environment.” A 2004 study by the Parma, Italy-based EU agency reached similar conclusions.

However, the accuracy of EFSA reports on GM crops have been criticised by MEPs, national governments and researchers – including Then’s Testbiotech – for allegedly relying too heavily on industry-based information and research.

Acknowledging that there are divergent views on GM safety, Then called for additional independent research on the use of the Bacillus thuringiensis, or Bt, toxin that is used in GM crops like MON810 to strengthen their resistance to insects.



