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作者:蒋高明   来源:红色文化网  



  中国农业科学院吴孔明研究团队2008年在“科学”上发表论文,题目是《由于种植鼻涕Bt抗虫棉抑制了多种作物中的棉铃虫》,说中国北方6省因大规模种植鼻涕棉(Bt转基因抗虫棉),棉铃虫在其他宿主(玉米、花生、大豆、蔬菜)中也没精神了。(英文原题:Suppression of Cotton Bollworm in Multiple Crops in China in Areas with Bt Toxin -Containing Cotton)。

  两年后即2010年,他们第二次在“科学”上发表论文,题目是【多种作物中害虫的暴发与中国大面积种植Bt棉有相关关联】。(英文原题:Mirid Bug Outbreaks in Multiple Crops Correlated with Wide-Scale Adoption of Bt Cotton in China)。




  Science 321, 1676 (2008);

  Kong-Ming Wu et al. Suppression of Cotton Bollworm in Multiple Crops in China in Areas with Bt Toxin -Containing Cotton

  Science 328, 1151 (2010);

  Yanhui Lu et al. Mirid Bug Outbreaks in Multiple Crops Correlated with Wide-Scale

  Adoption of Bt Cotton in China (多种作物中害虫的暴发与中国大面积种植Bt棉有关)

  News: GM crop use makes minor pests major problem Published online 13 May 2010 | Nature |





  News: GM crop use makes minor pests major problem Jane Qiu, Published online 13 May 2010 | Nature |


  Pesticide use rising as Chinese farmers fight insects thriving on transgenic crop.

  Numbers of mirid bugs (insects of the Miridae family), previously only minor pests in northern China, have increased 12-fold since 1997, they found. "Mirids are now a main pest in the region," says Wu. "Their rise in abundance is associated with the scale of Bt cotton cultivation."

  "Mirids can reduce cotton yields just as much as bollworms, up to 50% when not controlled," Wu adds. The insects are also emerging as a threat to crops such as green beans, cereals, vegetables and various fruits.

  The rise of mirids has driven Chinese farmers back to pesticides — they are currently using about two-thirds as much as they did before Bt cotton was introduced. As mirids develop resistance to the pesticides, Wu expects that farmers will soon spray as much as they ever did.

  Two years ago, a study led by David Just, an economist at Cornell University at Ithaca, New York, concluded that the economic benefits of Bt cotton in China have eroded. The team attributed this to increased pesticide use to deal with secondary pests.
