The claim that GM crops give higher yields is not accurate!
Monday, 13 September 2010 19:01
《欧洲转基因观察》网站 2010年9月13日发布
Many of the promised benefits to farmers of GM crops, including GM RR soy, have not materialized. On the other hand, unexpected problems have arisen.
The claim that GM crops give higher yields is often uncritically repeated in the media. But this claim is not accurate.
At best, GM crops have performed no better than their non-GM counterparts, with GM RR soy giving consistently lower yields. A review of over 8,200 university-based soybean varietal trials found a yield drag of between 6 and 10 per cent for GM RR soy compared with non-GM soy. [145] Controlled comparative field trials of GM and non-GM soy suggest that half the drop in yield is due to the disruptive effect of the GM transformation process. [146]
在最好的情况下,转基因作物在产量方面并不比它们的非转基因对应方表现的更好,其中抗草甘膦除草剂大豆的产量一贯比非转基因大豆的产量较低。对于8200个大学为基础的不同品种大豆试验进行的检查发现,抗草甘膦除草剂大豆产量比对应的非转基因大豆低6%至 10%。[145] 转基因大豆与非转基因大豆对照比较田地试验表明这种产量下降的一半来自于转基因转换程序的扰乱性影响。[146]
Data from Argentina show that GM RR soy yields are the same as, or lower than, non-GM soybean yields. [147] In 2009, Brazilian farmer organization FARSUL published the results of trials on 61 varieties of soybean (40 GM and 21 non-GM), showing that the average yield of non-GM soybeans was 9 per cent higher than GM, at a cost equivalent production. [148]
阿根廷的数据显示那里的抗草甘膦除草剂大豆产量与对应的非转基因大豆产量或者相同或者低。[147] 2009年,巴西的农民组织FARSUL公布了61个品种大豆的试验结果(40种转基因大豆与21种非转基因品种),表明同样成本生产条件下非转基因大豆的平均产量比转基因高9%。[148]
Claims of higher yields from Monsanto’s new generation of RR soybeans, RR 2 Yield, have not been borne out. A study carried out in five US states involving 20 farm managers who planted RR 2 soybeans in 2009 concluded that the new varieties “didn’t meet their [yield] expectations”. [149]In June 2010 the state of West Virginia launched an investigation of Monsanto for false advertising claims that RR 2 soybeans gave higher yields. [150]
声称孟山都公司新一代RR 2 Yield抗草甘膦大豆具有更高产量的说法,并没有实现。在美国五个州进行了涉及2009年种植了RR 2 Yield转基因大豆的20位农场经理的一项研究,他们的结论,新的品种“未能够满足他们(对产量)的期望”。[149] 2010年6月,美国西佛吉尼亚州对孟山都公司声称新一代RR 2 Yield抗草甘膦大豆具有更高产量的作假广告内容开展法律调查。[150]
A possible explanation for the lower yields of GM RR soy is that the transgenic modification alters the plant’s physiology so that it takes up nutrients less effectively. One study found that GM RR soy takes up the important plant nutrient manganese less efficiently than non-GM soy. [151] Another possibility is that the glyphosate used with GM RR soy is responsible for the yield decrease, as it reduces nutrient uptake in plants and makes them more susceptible to disease. A third possibility is that the new added biological function that enables the GM soy to resist glyphosate involves additional energy consumption by the plant. As a result, less energy could be left over for grain formation and maturity. The genetic engineering process permitted a new function, but never made available additional energy.
对抗草甘膦除草剂大豆较低产量的可能的解释是,转基因改造改变了作物的生理学使它低效吸收养分。一项研究发现,抗草甘膦除草剂大豆比非转基因大豆较低效吸收锰这个重要作物养分。[151] 另外一种可能性是,与抗草甘膦除草剂大豆一起使用的草甘膦除草剂对产量降低有责任,因为它减少作物的养分吸收从而使它们对病害更为脆弱。第三项可能性是,增加了的允许转基因大豆抵抗草甘膦的额外生物功能对作物涉及消耗额外的能量。作为结果,剩余较少的能量用于谷粒与成熟。基因工程过程允许了新的功能,但是没有创造额外的能量。
A US Department of Agriculture report confirms the poor yield performance of GM crops, saying, “GE crops available for commercial use do not increase the yield potential of a variety. In fact, yield may even decrease.... Perhaps the biggest issue raised by these results is how to explain the rapid adoption of GE crops when farm financial impacts appear to be mixed or even negative.” [152]
The failure of GM to increase yield potential is emphasised in 2008 by the United Nations IAASTD report on the future of farming. [153] This report, authored by 400 international scientists and backed by 58 governments, says that yields of GM crops are “highly variable” and in some cases, “yields declined”. The report notes, “Assessment of the technology lags behind its development, information is anecdotal and contradictory, and uncertainty about possible benefits and damage is unavoidable.”
The definitive study to date on GM crops and yield is “Failure to yield: Evaluating the performance of genetically engineered crops”, [154] by former US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) scientist, Dr Doug Gurian-Sherman. It uses data from published, peer-reviewed studies with well-designed experimental controls. The study distinguishes between intrinsic yield (also called potential yield), defined as the highest yield which can be achieved under ideal conditions, and operational yield, the final yield achieved under normal field conditions when crop losses due to pests, drought, or other environmental stresses are factored in.
对转基因作物与产量到目前为止的决定性研究是美国环境保护局(EPA)前任科学家Doug Gurian-Sherman博士的“未能实现的产量:评价基因工程作物的表现”。[154] 它使用的数据来自公开发表的经同行审查的良好涉及的试验对照。该项研究识别了本质产量(也称为潜在产量),界定为在理想条件下能够实现的最高产量;以及操作产量,即正常农田条件下虫害、干旱或其他环境影响因素涉及在内的最终产量。
The study also separates out effects on yield caused by conventional breeding methods and those caused by GM traits. It has become common for biotech companies to use conventional breeding and marker assisted breeding to produce higher-yielding crops and to engineer in their own patented genes for herbicide tolerance or insect resistance. In such cases, higher yields are not due to genetic engineering but to conventional breeding. “Failure to yield” teases out these distinctions and analyzes the contributions made by genetic engineering and conventional breeding to increasing yield.
The study concludes that GM herbicide-resistant soybeans have not increased yields. It further concludes that GM crops in general “have made no inroads so far into raising the intrinsic or potential yield of any crop. By contrast, traditional breeding has been spectacularly successful in this regard; it can be solely credited with the intrinsic yield increases in the United States and other parts of the world that characterized the agriculture of the twentieth century.”
The author comments, “If we are going to make headway in combating hunger due to overpopulation and climate change, we will need to increase crop yields. Traditional breeding outperforms genetic engineering hands down.” [155]
[145] Benbrook C. 1999. Evidence of the magnitude and consequences of the Roundup Ready soybean yield drag from university-based varietal trials in 1998. Ag BioTech InfoNet Technical Paper No 1, Jul 13.
[145] Benbrook C. 1999。1988年进行的以大学为基础不同品种抗草甘膦除草剂大豆试验产量低的证据与后果。农业生物技术网技术论文第1号,7月13日。
[146] Elmore R.W., Roeth, F.W., Nelson, L.A., Shapiro, C.A., Klein, R.N., Knezevic, S.Z., Martin, A. 2001. Glyphosate-resistant soyabean cultivar yields compared with sister lines. Agronomy Journal 93, 408–412. 2001。
[146] Elmore R.W., Roeth, F.W., Nelson, L.A., Shapiro, C.A., Klein, R.N., Knezevic, S.Z., Martin, A.2001.抗草甘膦除草剂大豆栽培品种与姊妹系比较的产量。园艺学杂志,93,408-412.
[147] Qaim, M. and G. Traxler. 2005. Roundup Ready soybeans in Argentina: farm level and aggregate welfare effects. Agricultural Economics 32, 73–86.
[147] Qaim, M. and G. Traxler. 2005。在阿根廷的抗草甘膦除草剂大豆:农场层次与聚集福利影响。农业经济学,32,73-86。
[148] FARSUL. 2009. Divulgados resultados do Programa de Avaliação de Cultivares de Soja (Published results of the Program Evaluation of soybean cultivars). 17/06/2009.
[148] FARSUL. 2009。对大豆栽培品种计划评价的公布结果,17/06/2009。
[149] Kaskey, J. 2009. Monsanto facing “distrust” as it seeks to stop DuPont. Bloomberg, November 11.
[149] Kaskey, J. 2009。孟山都公司面临“不信任”随着它寻求终止杜邦。Bloomberg,11月11日。
[150] Gillam, C. 2010. Virginia probing Monsanto soybean seed pricing. West Virginia investigating Monsanto for consumer fraud. Reuters, June 25.
[150] Gillam, C. 2010。维吉尼亚深入调查孟山都公司大豆种子的定价制度。西维吉尼亚州因欺诈消费者调查孟山都公司。路透社,6月25日。
[151] Gordon, B., 2006. Manganese nutrition of glyphosate resistant and conventional soybeans. Better Crops 91, April.
[151] Gordon, B., 2006。抗草甘膦大豆与传统大豆的锰养分。优良作物,91,4月。
[152] US Department of Agriculture. 2002. The adoption of bioengineered crops.
[152] 美国农业部,2002。生物工程作物的应用。
[153] Beintema, N. et al. 2008. International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development: Global Summary for Decision Makers (IAASTD).
[153] Beintema, N. et al. 2008。对农业知识、科学与技术发展的国际评估:供决策者的全球概述(IAASTD)。
http://www.agassessment.org/index.cfm?Page=IAASTD Reports&ItemID=2713
[154] Gurian-Sherman, D. 2009. Failure to yield: Evaluating the performance of genetically engineered crops. Union of Concerned Scientists.
[154] Gurian-Sherman, D. 2009。产量的失败:评价基因工程作物的表现,担心的科学家联盟。
[155] Gurian-Sherman, D. 2009. Press release, Union of Concerned Scientists, April 14.
[155] Gurian-Sherman, D. 2009。未能实现的产量:评价基因工程作物的表现,有所担心的科学家联盟。
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