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Genetic Engineering: the Glyphosate threat 2 health issues  


By Heimen Julius  


本文原文链接/Link to original paper:  


Translator: Chen I-wan (cheniwan@mx.cei.gov.cn)  



Posted at Advisor Chen I-wan Blog: http://blog.sina.com.cn/cheniwan  

侵界多:报告家础除草剂的e United States, but e to maintain persisting nkind health which theral understanding of the issue of earthquake pr  

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Comments by Advisor Chen I-wan:  


黑门·居里斯是澳大利亚一位有社会责任感的生物学家。澳大利亚转基因食品网站发表了他撰写的两篇文章:《转基因:草甘膦威胁1–环境问题》(Genetic Engineering: the Glyphosate threat 1 environment issues)与《转基因:草甘膦威胁2–健康问题》(Genetic Engineering: the Glyphosate threat 2 health issues)。本文为第二篇英中文对照全文。  

Heimen Julius is a biologist with sense of social responsibility from   Australia  . The Australian GM Food website posted two papers written by him: “Genetic Engineering: the Glyphosate threat 1 environment issues”, and Genetic Engineering: the Glyphosate threat 2 health issues”. This paper is his second paper in corresponding English/ Chinese format.  



The large amount of science papers translated by the translator has effectively proved: Using the Monsanto RR soy seeds growing glyphosate-resistant soy, regardless where they are grown, all applied with glyphosate herbicides, resulting the grown GM soy all have considerable high glyphosate residue levels, which cause a series of serious harm to animals and continue safety and healthy survival and reproduction of mankind!  



The Ministry of Health, please report to the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, the CPPCC, the State Council, the media and the Chinese people: What is the   mg/kg   State   Standard for the “glyphosate residue maximum limit” for glyphosate-resistant soys?  



During recent years,   China   each year imports large amounts of glyphosate-resistant soy with very high glyphosate residue levels grown from Monsato’s GM soy seeds.  



The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, please tell the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, the CPPCC, the State Council, the media and the Chinese people: What is the mg/kg glyphosate residue level inspected and measured from the large amount of glyphosate-resistant soy imported each year during recent years?  



The report and explanations by the Ministry of Health and the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine surely will shock the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, the CPPCC, the State Council, the media and the Chinese people!  

*                                  *                                  *  

Abstract: Glyphosate residues in food (from spraying food crops with glyphosate) will increase when more and more genetically modified foods reach the markets. Glyphosate sinks are bone and internal organs. It is unknown what the effects will be on the human body of ingesting glyphosate over a life time. When people reach their 50s how will they stand up to the accumulated glyphosate sludge in their internal organs? And would older people have more brittle bones? And what about people with allergies?   







Chen I-wan: Words to the Chinese readers by the translator  




1. The translator’s words to the Chinese readers

Genetic Engineering: the Glyphosate threat 2 health issues



By Heimen Julius


本文原文链接/Link to original paper:


Translator: Chen I-wan (cheniwan@mx.cei.gov.cn)



转基因:草甘膦威胁2–健康问题》不仅揭示施用孟山都1971年开发草甘膦除草剂危害动物与人类健康,揭示孟山都开发越来越多抗草甘膦转基因作物加工食物草甘膦残留量情况及其在动物体内的不均匀分布;介绍美国环境保护部1985年基于动物实验确定草甘膦人类“可接受的每日摄取量”为0.10 mg/kg体重/天,又在没有解释任何理由情况下1993年9月将它突然提高20倍为 2 mg/kg体重/天,而且改称它为“参考剂量”;详细揭示1982年将人类对麦粒草甘膦“残留量耐受水平”确定0.10 mg/kg,如何在孟山都转基因作物推出后1997年没有任何科学理由提高为原先的50倍达到5 mg/kg;1982年大豆“残留量耐受水平”确定为6 mg/kg,如何在1997年孟山都抗草甘膦转基因大豆获得商业生产批准后,没有任何科学理由提高为原先的3.33倍达到20 mg/kg。

 “Genetic Engineering: the Glyphosate threat 2 health issues” not only reveals the harm of the glyphosate herbicide, developed by Monsanto in 1971, to animal and human health, reveals the glyphosate-residue contained in food processed from more and more glyphosate-resistant GM plants developed by Monsanto and it’s non-uniform distribution within animal and human body; introduces how the American Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 1985, based on certain animal tests, determines the “acceptable daily intake” (ADI) of 0.10 mg/per kg bodyweight per day for humans, and then in September 1993 without any reason explanation suddenly increases this “acceptable daily intake” for humans 20 times up to 2 mg per kg bodyweight per day, and changed its name to a "reference dose." The paper also provides details how the American EPA in 1982 determines the “Maximum residue tolerances” of glyphosate in grain products, including wheat grains at 0.10 ppm (= mg/kg), and then, after Monsanto began to introduce its GM crops how the EPA with no scientific reason increased it 50 times to 5 ppm; and also in 1982 determines the “Maximum residue tolerances” of glyphosate in soy as 6 ppm, and after Monsanto began to commercialize production of its glyphosate-resistant GM soy (RR) how the EPA again with no scientific reason increased it 3.33 times to 20 ppm.



The paper also reveals how the World Health Organization (WHO) on the above mentioned “Maximum residue tolerances” of glyphosate in food lend themselves to the commercial interest of Monsanto’s glyphosate-resistant GM crops represented by the American EPA, and how the WHO on this issue fails to fulfill its primary responsibility to the health of the people of the World.



The paper also reveals, how the American EPA misled the WHO to accept their “Maximum residue tolerances” of glyphosate in food determined without any scientific reasoning, made it the World’s standards for USA to use the WTO rules to force and mislead EU, China and other nations of the Word to establish their standards of “Maximum residue tolerances” of glyphosate in food.



According to the translator’s opinion, this is the most important content of this paper, is also the reason why the translator determines the title of the translated paper. Only upon learning about such content, will enable the readers to further understand how the EU, China and the Ministries of Health of many nations on this issue could fails to fulfill their primary responsibility to the health of their respective nations.



Heimen Julius, the author of the paper is 73 years old, and seriously ill at present. At the same time expressing appreciation to him fulfilling his responsibility to the health of global mankind and writing this paper eight years ago of which today still remains significant, the translator wishes him to recover his health.



Readers can by form of comments express their appreciation and wishes to the author Heimen Julius, the translator will help to translate and forward to him.



To enable readers check the translation, the present paper is posted in corresponding English/Chinese text. If readers find any essential mistake in the translation, they are welcomed to point them out with corrections through posting comments or via email to the translator.



Heimen’s paper was written in 2002. To enable readers master up-to-date information, at the end of certain sections, the translator has provided links to related materials.



Huang Dafang, researcher, director, agricultural plants molecular biology key laboratory, Biotechnology Research Institute, Academy of Agricultural Science, presented lecture “Huang Dafang: Agricultural genetic engineering technology and safety management” to the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress on June 25, 2010 stating:




“GM plants are grown every year over 100 million hectares of land in the World, a few hundred million people are eating GM food, to this date have never found any GM food consumption or environment safety problems proved with solid scientific evidence. Therefore, should assure: agricultural GM plants in overall is safety, its risks can be prevented and controlled.”



It is well known, China has for many years every year import massive amount of glyphosate-resistant GM soy from USA and South America grown from Monsanto’s GM RR soy seeds and applied with glyphosate herbicides, making China one of the largest importers of Monsanto’s GM RR soy products (perhaps is the largest importer in the World).


译者请黄大昉研究员对人民负责地告诉我们:中国对每年进口的巨量抗草甘膦转基因大豆检测草甘膦“残留量残余量水平”的国家标准为多少 mg/kg?这对中国人民是否构成“转基因食用安全问题”?

The translator requests researcher Huang Dafang responsible to the people tell us, what is the mg/kg level of the State Standard for inspecting the glyphosate “residue level”? Does this not cause “GM food consumption safety problems”?



If researcher Huang Dafang concludes that this does not cause any “GM food consumption safety problems”, please then tell us on what “solid scientific evidence” basis he reaches his conclusion?


Chen I-wan Preface: How to be a qualified and social responsible biologist?  


黑门· 居里斯先生是一位普通的生物学家,但是他的研究报告向人们展示了生物学家怎么样做能够称之为称职的有社会责任感的生物学家,以及怎么样做才能够名副其实称之为“打假”与“反伪科学”,而不是“挂羊头卖狗肉”为虎作伥以“打假、反伪”之名行“造假、作伪证”之实!


2. Chen I-wan Preface: How to be a qualified and social responsible biologist?

Genetic Engineering: the Glyphosate threat 2 health issues



By Heimen Julius


本文原文链接/Link to original paper:


Translator: Chen I-wan (cheniwan@mx.cei.gov.cn)



译者认为,黑门·居里斯先生2002年撰写的转基因:草甘膦威胁2–健康问题》(Genetic Engineering: the Glyphosate threat 2 health issues)研究报告,对至今盲目崇拜至少六次自称自己“在美国生物信息公司兼任咨询科学家”至今大力鼓吹转基因作物与草甘膦的方舟子的许多“方粉”可能有重要教育作用:

The translator considers, the “Genetic Engineering: the Glyphosate threat 2 health issues” report prepared by Heimen Julius in 2002 might also play an important education role to many Fang-fans who to date still blindness worship Fang Zhouzi (Fang Shimin) who at least six times claimed that he “at an American bioinformatic company worked as a spare-time consultant scientist” and still strongly advocates GM plant and GM food:



Heimen Julius is an ordinary biologist, but his report demonstrates to people:



How should a biologist perform to be considered a qualified and social responsible biologist?



What activities could be truly called “fight sham” and “anti pseudoscience”, and not in fact posing and siding on the evil side, disguised under the name of “fight sham” and “anti pseudoscience” but in fact “creating fraud and forswearing”!  



How should a scholar perform to be considered as a true “fight sham, anti-pseudoscience” fighter, even if the “sham, foreswear and pseudoscience” results from commercial interest of bad enterprises at the cost of scarifying people’s health, and/or results from government departments, or even authoritative international organizations, who succumb to the commercial interest of such enterprises?



“Impact of Science on Society”, a journal under the China Academy of Science, published “Healthy Rapid Development of Chinese Science & Technology, Economy and Society Calls for Innovation Achievements Bringing Challenges to Traditional Basic Theories of Science and Technology”, an important paper by the translator’s, provides guidance on this issue:




The author considers, those involved in science and technology, irrespective if they are scholars or administrators of science and technology development, or medias reporting on science and technology developments, the most important, most precious character and morals is “respect facts and tell the truth”, even if such “facts, truth” sometimes are different to the opinion of most other people in the concerned field, and some times even completely different, they must still be able like the little boy in Andersen’s fairy tale “The Emperor’s new cloths”, fearlessly shout out: “But the Emperor is wearing no cloths!”



Supplementary material recommended by the translator:



Fang Zhouzi: Varius new rumors about GM plants:



Fang Zhouzi’s paper preaches:



“The active composition of Monsanto’s Round-up herbicide is glyphosate, this was developed by Monsanto during the 70s of the past century, the patent has long ago expired, many herbicide companies are all producing it (including Chinese companies, a considerable portion of glyphosate herbcides used by Argentine farmers are imported from China). This is a international recognized low toxicity herbicide, has no danger to human health.



Introduction – Glyphosate - The kill-all problem  




3. Introduction – Glyphosate - The kill-all problem

-- Genetic Engineering: the Glyphosate threat 2 health issues


-- 转基因:草甘膦的威胁2健康问题

By Heimen Julius


Translator: Chen I-wan (cheniwan@mx.cei.gov.cn)




Advisor Chen I-wan comments:



95% of GM soy, 75% of other GM plants, are glyphosate-based herbicide resistant GM plants


The growing of most GM plants in the World are related with the interest of glyphosate-based herbicide, and are closely related with the series of harm caused by glyphosate-based herbicides to the environment, biodiversity, animal and mankind health which they not be overcome, and closely related to the series of harm caused by residue of glyphosate, adjuvants and metabolite contained in GM soy, GM maize, GM rice to animal and mankind health and reproduction!



GM plants, developed with the main objective to maintaining the commercial interest of ongoing and expanding sales of glyphosate-based herbicides, absolutely do not stand for “science-technology innovation” and “science morality”, and only is an “anti-nature, anti-science” evil “monster”!


3. Introduction

3. 引言





Glyphosate, a herbicide produced by Monsanto since 1971, is more widely known as "Roundup." It is available as a weed killer for gardens from supermarkets and hardware stores. To be effective it must be sprayed onto the leaves of the plant. It should be understood that herbicides or weed killers like glyphosate are taken up by the plant and work inside plants. Insecticides or insect killers on the other hand are left on the surface of plants and can be washed off.




Glyphosate is widely used in agriculture. Many weeds are deep-rooted perennials with tubers and rootstocks. This makes them very difficult to eradicate. Through glyphosate all these problems were solved. Because, once past the leaf surface glyphosate moves throughout the plant, reaches deep into the roots and kills.



With such an all-round plant killer, you have to be very careful not to hit your crop as well.



The kill-all problem



At this point a bright spark came up with the idea to make all crops glyphosate resistant. Then you could spray indiscriminately and only weeds would be killed. With the new genetic engineering techniques this idea was becoming feasible. It would result in convenient agricultural practices for farmers, who would also use much more glyphosate.



And guess what, this was good for Monsanto"s bottom line. So, for the last ten years genetic engineers have been making a wide variety of crops glyphosate resistant. However, little thought was given to the long term health implications of ingesting glyphosate day in and day out.



Glyphosate toxicity to humans  




4. Glyphosate toxicity to humans

-- Genetic Engineering: the Glyphosate threat 2 health issues


-- 转基因:草甘膦的威胁2健康问题

By Heimen Julius


Translator: Chen I-wan (cheniwan@mx.cei.gov.cn)




Advisor Chen I-wan comments:


大量论文发表揭露孟山都公司草甘膦除草剂对环境、动物与人类健康造成一系列严重危害以后,包括1991年台湾报道的人类草甘膦中毒事件以后大陆发生的多次草甘膦中毒事件。 (参看本文后边的“参考文献”与“译者推荐补充资料)

Massive published facts revealed that Monsanto’s glyphosate based herbicide causes a series of serious harm to the environment, to animal and human health, including the glyphosate human poisoned events reported in Taiwain in 1991, and a series of glyphosate human poisoned events reported on the continent of China. (Please visit the References and “Supplementary material recommended by the translator” listed at the end of this paper.



After massive facts were published proving that Monsanto’s glyphosate based herbicide causes a series of serious harm to the environment, to animal and human health Fang Zhouzi, who has at least six times claimed that he worked “at an American biological information company as a part time consultant scientist”, on Sep. 2010 in his paper published by Chinese media still blew the trumpet claiming “the active composition of Monsanto’s Round-up herbicide is glyphosate …… this is an international widely recognized low toxicity herbicide, does not have any danger to human health”.



The translator requests Fang Zhouzi to carefully read this paper written by Heimen Julius in 2002, and at responsible to himself tell us, if he still insist that glyphosate “does not have any danger to human health”?



If Fang Zhouzi still insists that glyphosate “does not have any danger to human health”, then please tell us on what “solid scientific evidence” basis his reaches his conclusion?


4. Glyphosate toxicity to humans



In 1985 a Monsanto researcher assured his readership that "Glyphosate effectively controls 76 of the world"s 78 worst weeds… and is essentially non-toxic to other life forms" [1].

1985年,孟山都的一位研究者向他的读者们保证,“草甘膦能够有效治理世界最严重的野草中的76 种……对其他形式生命实质上没有毒性”[1]


How reassuring if this were true. However, in 1991/92 reports appeared in the medical literature of humans being poisoned by glyphosate [2, 3] . True, they attempted to commit suicide and drank a whole glass of Roundup concentrate. Still, if you would drink a whole glass of water, which is essentially non-toxic you would get a different result.



It turned out that if you were under 40 years of age and got timely medical assistance you would probably survive, but if you were 50 years and over you would probably die [2, 3]. These "results" are similar to a pharmaceutical company testing a new drug with a huge overdose. Then the evaluations start.






[1] Franz J.E. 1985. Discovery, development and chemistry of glyphosate. in: The Herbicide Glyphosate 1985, by Butterworth & Co. (eds. E.Grossbard & D. Atkinson) p.16.

[1] Franz J.E. 1985。草甘膦的发现、发展与化学。收录:除草剂草甘膦1985,Butterworth & Co.,(eds. E.Grossbard & D. Atkinson) p.16.


[2] Tominack R.L. et al. 1991. Taiwan National Poison Center survey of glyphosate - surfactant herbicide ingestions. Clinical Toxicology 29: 91-109.

[2] Tominack R.L. et al. 1991。台湾国立中毒中心对草甘膦 – 表明活性剂摄取的调查。临床毒理学刊物,29:91-109。


[3] Temple W.A. Et al. 1992. Glyphosate herbicide poisoning experience in New Zealand. New Zealand Medical Journal 105: 173-174.

[3] Temple W.A. Et al. 1992。在新西兰的草甘膦除草剂中毒经验。新西兰医学杂志,105:173-174。


Single dose studies with animals -- Glyphosate in fish  




5. Single dose studies with animals -- Glyphosate in fish

-- Genetic Engineering: the Glyphosate threat 2 health issues


-- 转基因:草甘膦的威胁2健康问题

By Heimen Julius


Translator: Chen I-wan (cheniwan@mx.cei.gov.cn)




Advisor Chen I-wan comments:



This paper reveals, to verify if or not toxicity effects occur after mammals eat food containing certain “suspected toxic composition”, animal feed test continued for a length of time is required as a must, which can not be proved by a one time dosage animal feed simply followed by observation for a length of time; must also prove if such “suspected toxic composition” is 100% discharged out of the body with limited time after being fed to the animal, or, if a certain portion, regardless how less, is accumulated in certain areas within the body, and after continue accumulation reaches a certain level, does it cause harm to certain organs and then further to the overall health of the animal?



On this issue, the translator would like to recommend the “Result” portion of a paper by a Chinese scholar:


邬惠琼,草甘膦对大鼠细胞色素P450 2B1和P450 2C11基因表达的影响,《卫生毒理学杂志》1996年第10卷第4期,231-234页

Wu Huiqiong, The effect of glyphosate on the expression of the cytochrome P450 2B1 and P450 2C11 genes of adult rats, Sanitation Toxicity Journal, 1996 Vol.10(4), pp231-234




一、草甘膦对大鼠体重和肝重的影响当以草甘膦I(剂量为1/6D)灌胃,连续处理7天后,大鼠体重显著下降,与对照组比较,具有显著意义(P<0.05)。分别以草甘膦I、草甘膦II(剂量为1、10LD50)灌胃,连续7天后,草甘膦I处理组大鼠体重增长延缓,与对照组大鼠体重增长比较,有显著差异(P<0.05);而草甘膦I号处理组大鼠体重增长与对照组比较,差异无显著意义。以1/6LD50和1/10 LD50处理的大鼠肝重和体重之比(脏器系数)与对照组比较均无显著差异(表1)。







This paper tells us: (1) The stomach feeding test on the rat is continued for 7 days; (2) Different dosages is applied, comparing the effect of different dosages; (3) Test are carried out on controlled groups of animals for comparison; (4) Not only compares the overall weight of the different controlled groups of rats, but even further also compares the weight of internal organs (liver, kidney) of the rats; (5) Not only observes and compares macro abnormalities of the internal organs (weight), but also at more micro depths, observae and compare biochemistry anomalies of cells, enzymes and cytochrome.



The science significance of such an animal laboratory test obviously is very different to an animal test with only one dosage feed and followed by observation for seven days.



However, it also needs to be pointed out that if a new type of food containing a certain type of “suspected toxic composition” is a type of main food consumed by humans on regular basis, then, to be responsible to mankind’s safe and healthy survival and reproduction, such animal feed tests not only must continue for a considerable length of time, but must also be conducted on both male and female animals, and continued for at least three generations, to determine if the food containing such “suspected toxic composition” might or not cause any birth problems or birth defects to the second and third generation of such animals.


5. Single dose studies with animals



In 1985 it was reported that glyphosate fed to animals was slightly toxic. Based on animal feeding studies with a single dose it was claimed that the acute toxicity of Roundup to humans was less than table salt and half as much as aspirin [4]. A rather crude and unscientific extrapolation.



A publication of 1994 gives us some idea about these experiments. A single dose given to rats showed that 30 to 36% of glyphosate passed the gut wall and entered the body [6]. Inside the body glyphosate was hardly broken down and showed up in urine. It"s breakdown product AMPA was also found, but in minuscule amounts [5]. In a follow up study, rats were fed radioactive glyphosate for 14 days. This revealed that 80 to 90% was excreted through faeces and around 10% through urine [6]. Similar studies with rabbits, laying hens and lactating goats indicated that 30% of ingested glyphosate got past the gut wall [5].



Ongoing trials found that glyphosate was not fully cleared from the body. Total body clearance of a single dose was after 48 hours in male rats 94-98% and in female rats 82-84% . Another study found that it took rats around 168 hours (7 days) to eliminate glyphosate. Here, a high dose of 10 mg glyphosate per kg body weight was given. Calculations indicated that around 1% of the dose was still present in bone tissue [7]. Glyphosate was also detected in egg whites and egg yolks in a study with laying hens using high glyphosate doses [5].

继续进行的试验发现,草甘膦并非全部从体内排出。雄鼠喂食一次性剂量后94-98%的草甘膦在48小时内排出,雌鼠喂食后82-84%的草甘膦在48小时内排出。另外一项研究发现,喂食一次性剂量的老鼠需要大约168小时(7天)才能排出完。该项研究中喂食的剂量很高,依照体重10 mg/kg的剂量。计算显示,这些剂量的大约1%保留在骨组织中[7]。采用大剂量的草甘膦的孵蛋鸡研究中,在蛋白与蛋黄中都检测到草甘膦[5]。


Glyphosate in fish



Similar research was done on fish. Glyphosate was "not expected" to accumulate in fish, crustaceans and molluscs [10]. Nonetheless, when fish and shellfish were first exposed to water containing glyphosate followed by removal of glyphosate from their water it was found that glyphosate did accumulate in their tissues [10]. So much for single dose studies, but what about ongoing glyphosate intake? The difference is that in a single dose study the animal has an opportunity to clear its body, while ongoing intake makes this impossible.






[4] Atkinson D. 1985. Toxicological properties of glyphosate - a summary. In: The Herbicide Glyphosate 1985, by Butterworth & Co. (eds. E. Grossbard & D. Atkinson) pp. 127-133.

[4] Atkinson D. 1985。草甘膦的毒理学性质 – 概述。收录:除草剂草甘膦 1985,by Butterworth & Co. (eds. E. Grossbard & D. Atkinson) pp. 127-133。


[5] Mensink H. et al.1994. Glyphosate. Environmental Health Criteria 159, by World Health Organisation, Geneva. p. 66

[5] Mensink H. et al.1994。草甘膦环境健康标准159,世界卫生组织组织,日内瓦,p66。


[6] Ibid 5 at pp. 63-64

[6] 参考文献[5] pp. 63-64


[7] Ibid 5 at p. 67.

[7] 参考文献[5] p.67


[10] Ibid 5 at pp. 52-54.

[10] 参考文献[5] pp. 52-54


Chronic vagueness and glyphosate intake  


美国环保部1993年发表的一篇关于草甘膦喂食动物试验论文强调:“使用老鼠、小鼠与猎兔犬的几项慢性毒性/致癌性研究,基于所审查的指标没有发现任何影响。” 论文没有解释是什么指标,没有提供关键细节,整篇论文含糊不清。1977/1978年转基因食物推出后,到2002年1月为止,1993年的这篇论文依然是美国环保局关于动物喂食试验的最新论文。


6. Chronic vagueness and glyphosate intake - Evasiveness

-- Genetic Engineering: the Glyphosate threat 2 health issues


-- 转基因:草甘膦的威胁2健康问题

By Heimen Julius


Translator: Chen I-wan (cheniwan@mx.cei.gov.cn)




Advisor Chen I-wan comments:



This paper reveals, to protect the commercial interest of the GM industry, many tests, studies and papers by Monsanto and the American EPA are intentionally vague, evasive and slide away from key issues, hide truths, deceive and mislead the public, and only give secondary consideration or even ignore the persistence safe and healthy survival and reproduction of the people!  



Similarily, on the issue of examination and approving GM plant safe certificates, when the Ministry of Agriculture organizes third parties to carry out tests, there first is the issue of a basic standpoint: Taking the standpoint giving top priority consideration to maintaining the persistence safe and healthy survival and reproduction of the Chinese people, or taking the standpoint giving top priority consideration for the Ministry of Health to “openly and legally” issue the “GM pet-resistance rice safety certificate” to a certain “GM plant R&D team”, and only give secondary consideration or even ignore the persistence safe and healthy survival and reproduction of the Chinese people!  



On test and studies concerning public health, test and studies performed by independent researchers are highly recognized internationally, because independent researchers and their studies have less ties with commercial interests, independent researchers usually have stronger sense of responsibility to public health, therefore there tests and studies are more impersonal and honest; enjoy higher trust by the public.



The translator suggests, China should create policy conditions, enable and encourage private research institutes and independent researchers to develop in China as fast as possible, enabling on test and studies concerning public health issues, also to rely on private research institutes and independent researchers to provide more impersonal and honest services for public interest.


6. Chronic vagueness and glyphosate intake



A publication from 1985 tells us that 31 mg glyphosate per kg body weight was given each day in a 26-month study with rats and that this did not result in any observable tumour formation [11].



Was this the only thing they were looking for? It does not state that there was no tumour formation, only that it was not observable. And what about other toxic effects? A paper from the American Environmental Protection Agency from 1993 tells us that "several chronic toxicity/carcinogenicity studies using rats, mice and beagle dogs resulted in no effects based on the parameters examined" [12]. Again vagueness. What were these parameters? What were they looking for? The same vagueness continues throughout this paper:



A sub-chronic feeding study with rats showed effects on blood and pancreas. On mice this resulted in reduced body weights [12].



In toxicity studies with pregnant rats and rabbits, glyphosate caused treatment-related effects such as diarrhoea, reduced weight, nasal discharge and death.



In a toxicity study (rats), kidney effects showed up in male pups, and in another study digestive effects and decreased weight [12].



In rats it appeared that very little glyphosate reached the bone marrow and that it was rapidly eliminated from bone marrow and plasma [12].



It was stressed adverse effects in these trials were only observed at the highest glyphosate doses.






Why this vagueness? What are blood effects? What are pancreatic effects? What are digestive effects? What are kidney effects? And why pretend that little glyphosate reached the bone marrow? If glyphosate reaches the blood, it reaches the bone marrow. The quick elimination from marrow and plasma was probably through uptake by bone as bone is a specific glyphosate sink.



What was the duration of those chronic studies? What were the dosages given to the experimental animals and why were the feeding experiments not published on the Internet as an extension of this vague EPA paper?



Were there any updates of this EPA paper from 1993? Around 1997/8 genetically engineered foods were introduced for the first time. This paper from 1993 was the latest on feeding trials in January 2002 on the Internet.






[12] http://www.epa.gov/pesticides/search.htm in browsing you come somewhere across EPA R.E.D. FACTS this is the paper. You find in the heading EPA-738-F-93-011 September 1993. Go to section: Human Health Assessment.

[12] 浏览http://www.epa.gov/pesticides/search.htm你们可以访问美国环保部EPA R.E.D. FACTS这篇报告。在标题EPA-738-F-93-011,1993年9月。访问:“人类健康评估”这一段。



Acceptable glyphosate levels  


美国环保部1985年这样确定“可接受的每日摄取量”,简称ADI :“在10 mg/kg 体重(对老鼠进行的繁殖研究)没有可观察到的影响水平以及安全因素100基础上,(人体对)草甘膦可接受的每日摄取量(ADI)为每天0.10 mg/kg体重剂量。”在世界卫生组织下,这成为欧盟、中国等所有国家遵循的指导原则。


7. Acceptable glyphosate levels

-- Genetic Engineering: the Glyphosate threat 2 health issues

7. 可接受的草甘膦水平

-- 转基因:草甘膦的威胁2健康问题

By Heimen Julius


Translator: Chen I-wan (cheniwan@mx.cei.gov.cn)




Advisor Chen I-wan comments:



If inquire officials of the Ministry of Public Health what is the basis for the Ministry to determine the “acceptable daily intake” (ADI) of glyphosate“? The officials of the Ministry will surely tell you: The basis is the “acceptable daily intake” (ADI) of glyphosate proposed by the WHO.



But, if you further inquire, where does the data for the WHO to determine the “acceptable daily intake” (ADI) of glyphosate“ come from? The officials of the Ministry of Public Health surely will not be able to reply!



Upon reading this paper, learning that the “acceptable daily intake” (ADI) of glyphosate“ proposed by the WHO, whom they highly respect, comes from the United States but does not come from the United States Ministry of Public Health, nor from the FDA or from the United States Department of Agriculture, but comes from the American Environment Protection Agency from maintaining the glyphosate sales commercial interest of Monsonta, what thoughts will the officials of the Ministry of Public Health have?


7 Acceptable glyphosate levels

7. 可接受的草甘膦水平


What matters most is of course how much glyphosate will end up in our food and whether these amounts could be harmful in any way.



Animals fed commodities from glyphosate treated fields (pre 1985) did not pass on detectable levels of glyphosate or AMPA to meat tissue, fat, eggs and milk. However, low levels were found in liver and kidney and therefore a tolerance level of 0.5 ppm was set for them [9].

1985年以前进行的动物喂食施用过草甘膦农作物商业产品的试验,没有发现传递到肉类、脂肪、鸡蛋或牛奶的草甘膦或其代谢物AMPA(氨甲基膦酸)可检测到的含量水平。然而,在喂食转基因作物的动物的肝脏与肾脏中检测到它们,因此对它们(草甘膦或其代谢物AMPA)设定了0.5ppm(=0.5 mg/kg)的耐受水平[9]。


The EPA (US Environmental Protection Agency) went even so far as to stipulate an acceptable dose for humans and the publication of 1985 spelled out how they arrived at this dose. They called this the acceptable daily intake or ADI, which was based on data going back to 1982.

美国环境保护部据此甚至规定了人类可以接受的剂量水平,并且在1985年的文件中解释了他们如何确定了这样的剂量水平。在1982年数据基础上,美国环保局称这样的剂量水平为“可接受的每日摄取量”,简称ADI(= Acceptable Daily Intake)


"The acceptable daily intake (ADI) of glyphosate is 0.10 mg per kg body weight per day based on no observable effect level (NOEL) of 10 mg per kg body weight per day (rat reproduction study) and a safety factor of 100. On this basis, the maximum permitted intake (MPI) for a 60 kg man is calculated at 6.0 mg per day. With the addition of these new tolerances, the theoretical maximum residue contribution (TMRC) has been calculated at 1.39 mg per day for a 1.5 kg daily diet. All approved tolerances thus utilise about 23 percent of the ADI. These calculations suggest risks to be small relative to amounts of residue in the diet "[9].

“在10 mg/kg 体重(对老鼠进行的繁殖研究)没有可观察到的影响水平(NOEL= no observable effect level)以及安全因素100基础上,草甘膦可接受的每日摄取量(ADI)为每天0.10 mg/kg体重剂量。在此基础上,一位60 kg的男人的最大允许摄取量(MPI = maximum permitted intake)被计算为每天6.0 mg。有了这些新的额外耐受水平,对于每天1.5 kg饮食量的理论最大残余贡献(TMRC = theoretical maximum residue contribution)被计算为1.39 mg/每天。所有已经批准的耐受水平因而仅使用了草甘膦可接受的每日摄取量(ADI)的23%。这些计算提议,相对于饮食中的草甘膦残留量而言风险小”[9]。


This calculation based on a rat reproduction study is a straight extrapolation from rats to humans. How valid is that? Anyway let us stick for the moment to 0.10 mg per kg body weight as acceptable daily intake. This calculated dose is from glyphosate on food crops when irrigation water had picked up glyphosate residues in the field. So, the glyphosate levels in question were very low anyway.

在老鼠繁殖研究基础上进行的计算从老鼠直接推断到人类。这样做的有效性有多大?尽管如此,让我们暂时假定每天0.10 mg/kg体重剂量是草甘膦“可接受的每日摄取量”(ADI)。这样的计算的剂量来自食物农作物上的草甘膦,而灌溉用水还带走了一部分农田中的草甘膦残留量。因此,所涉及到的草甘膦水平实际上很低。


Surprise, surprise by September 1993 this acceptable daily intake had gone up to 2 mg per kg bodyweight per day. This time it was called a "reference dose."

令人惊奇又惊奇的是,1993年9月美国环保局将这个“可接受的每日摄取量”(ADI)(从0.10 mg/kg体重/每天)突然提高到了2 mg/kg体重/每天。这时它被改了名称,称之为“参考剂量”。


The EPA paper tells us about a dietary risk assessment for humans. This was based on a worst-case scenario, which meant that 100 percent of all possible commodities and acreage were treated with glyphosate and, that tolerance-level residues remained in/on all treated commodities.



The EPA concluded (how??) that the chronic dietary risk to humans was minimal. And so we are informed that the EPA had determined that 2 mg glyphosate per kg body weight per day would not cause adverse effects in humans throughout a lifetime [12]. This no doubt refers to those imaginary "standard humans" who don"t exist.

美国环保局结论(但不知道他们怎么得到这样的结论?),对人类的长期饮食风险很小。因此我们被告知,美国环保局确定2 mg/kg体重/每天剂量的草甘膦,在人类的一生中都不会影响健康[12]。这样的毫无疑问只能涉及根本不可能存在的想像中的“标准人类”。


This whole messing round with "acceptable" glyphosate levels misses the point totally in the presence of body sinks for glyphosate. In those places glyphosate is accumulating no matter what. An acceptable level over a life time would only make any sense in case of an ongoing complete and quick elimination of glyphosate from the body. But as the following rat study illustrates this does not happen.






[4] Atkinson D. 1985. Toxicological properties of glyphosate - a summary. In: The Herbicide Glyphosate 1985, by Butterworth & Co. (eds. E.Grossbard & D. Atkinson) pp. 127-133.

[4] Atkinson D. 1985。草甘膦的毒理学性质 – 概述。收录:除草剂草甘膦 1985,by Butterworth & Co. (eds. E.Grossbard & D. Atkinson) pp. 127-133。


[9] Ibid 4 at p. 132.

[9] 参考文献[4] p.132


[12] http://www.epa.gov/pesticides/search.htm in browsing you come somewhere across EPA R.E.D. FACTS this is the paper. You find in the heading EPA-738-F-93-011 September 1993. Go to section: Human Health Assessment.

[12] 浏览http://www.epa.gov/pesticides/search.htm你们可以访问美国环保部EPA R.E.D. FACTS这篇报告。在标题EPA-738-F-93-011,1993年9月。访问:“人类健康评估”这一段。


Ongoing glyphosate accumulation  




8. Ongoing glyphosate accumulation

-- Genetic Engineering: the Glyphosate threat 2 health issues

8. 持续的草甘膦沉积

-- 转基因:草甘膦的威胁2健康问题

By Heimen Julius


Translator: Chen I-wan (cheniwan@mx.cei.gov.cn)




Advisor Chen I-wan comments:



According to the facts revealed by the 1994 WHO publication, Heimen very correctly stresses: “Once you find evidence of specific sinks for glyphosate in the mammalian body, a reference dose makes no longer any sense as it is based on the assumption of ongoing total clearing of glyphosate from the body.”



This fact topples the non-scientific basis establishing both the “acceptable daily intake” (ADI) of glyphosate“ as well as the “glyphosate residue maxium limit” for various foods proposed by the WHO following the opinion of the American EPA.



This in fact means that both the “acceptable daily intake” (ADI) of glyphosate“ as well as the “glyphosate residue maxium limit” for various foods must be re-examined and re-established through scientific, careful and honest animal feed tests.


8. Ongoing glyphosate accumulation

8. 持续的草甘膦沉积


A table on the distribution of glyphosate in rats showed that seven days after a single dose was given, the highest glyphosate concentration was in bone. Lesser concentrations were in the colon, bone marrow, spleen, stomach, kidney and liver [8].



Table: radioactive glyphosate per kg organ fresh weight




male dose 10 mg per kg body weight



male dose 1000 mg per kg body weight





10 mg/kg体重


10 mg/kg体重


1000 mg/kg体重


1000 mg/kg体重



































Nasal mucosa











Small intestines


















Bone marrow







The full description of the table was as follows: Concentrations of 14C label (as mg glyphosate-equivalents/kg fresh weight) in selected tissues of rats on day 7 after a single oral dose (rounded values) (Monsanto, 1988b).



This table is from a 1994 WHO publication [8] and tells us that "the isotope was widely distributed throughout the body, but was primarily found in bone". As the table shows it concerns here two different doses: 10 and 1000 mg glyphosate per kg bodyweight.

该表格引自世界卫生组织(WHO)1994年发表的文件[8],它告诉我们,“同位素在整个身体内广泛分布,但是主要发现在骨头中”。如表格显示的那样,其中涉及两种不同的剂量:10 mg/每kg体重,与1000 mg/kg体重。


Another study is mentioned in this WHO paper whereby radioactive glyphosate was determined again in rat tissues. This occurred on several occasions throughout a treatment period of 14 days and a post-dosing withdrawal period of 10 days (dietary administration of radioactive glyphosate at 1, 10 and 100 mg/kg diet). Maximum tissue levels were reached after 10 days or less, with highest concentrations in kidneys. (Monsanto, 1973c). In this study no concentrations in bone or bone marrow were measured [8].

世界卫生组织(WHO)这份文件提到另外一项研究,也对老鼠组织中分布的放射性草甘膦进行确定。研究涉及连续14天喂食处理期间数次检查,以及停止喂食后10天进行的检查(检查每天饮食含有1 mg/每kg体重、10 mg/每kg体重与100 mg/每kg体重不同剂量结果)。老鼠身体组织草甘膦浓度于喂食10天或更少天数达到最高水平,其中浓度最高之处为肾脏(孟山都文件, 1973c)。该项研究没有检测骨头或骨髓中的浓度[8]。


These studies show that a proposed reference dose misses the point totally.



Once you find evidence of specific sinks for glyphosate in the mammalian body, a reference dose makes no longer any sense as it is based on the assumption of ongoing total clearing of glyphosate from the body.



So, the question becomes, how will glyphosate accumulate in people"s bodies over a lifetime, and how will this affect their health? Let us have a closer look at some accumulation points and make an estimate of the possible consequences.






[5] Mensink H. et al.1994. Glyphosate. Environmental Health Criteria 159, by World Health Organisation, Geneva. p. 66

[5] Mensink H. et al.1994。草甘膦环境健康标准159,世界卫生组织组织,日内瓦,p66。


[8] Ibid 5 at pp. 64-65

[8] 参考文献[5] pp. 64-65


Effects of glyphosate in body  




9. Effects of glyphosate in body

-- Genetic Engineering: the Glyphosate threat 2 health issues

9. 进入体内草甘膦对不同器官与部分可能造成的影响

-- 转基因:草甘膦的威胁2健康问题

By Heimen Julius


Translator: Chen I-wan (cheniwan@mx.cei.gov.cn)




Advisor Chen I-wan comments:



This paper explored the possible harm caused by the glyphosate in the body to different internal organs of the body.



To be responsible to the continue safety and healthy survival and reproduction of the Chinese people, Advisor Chen suggests the Ministry of Public Health as soon as possible organize trans-disciplinary teams of experts from concerned fields and carry out in-depth studies to these harmful effects caused by glyphosate in the body to different internal organs of the body.


9. Effects of glyphosate in body

9. 进入体内草甘膦对不同器官与部分可能造成的影响


Bone: this is a living tissue that is constantly broken down and reassembled, especially during growth and healing of broken bones. Its major constituent is calcium phosphate. In the plant world glyphosate acts as a fake phosphate. It may well act in a similar way in bone tissue and interfere in normal bone formation. Could any build-up in glyphosate cause weaker bones? Could it contribute to bone deformities? Could it slow down the healing of broken bones? And could it cause more brittle bones in old age? No one really knows.



Bone marrow: here blood bodies are produced. How glyphosate influence these processes is anyone"s guess. Could it lead to lower output of red blood bodies? In other words could it contribute to anaemia? And what about the many kinds of white blood bodies? Could glyphosate moving continuously through bone marrow on its way to being fixed in bone tissue lead to an impaired immune system? Or worse even, could it contribute to leukaemia ? No one really knows.



Spleen: this is another point where the immune system could be weakened by glyphosate build-up.



Stomach: if lining the stomach wall with glyphosate would hamper stomach acid production, then this could spell troubles for digestive processes. Or, could glyphosate contribute to stomach ulcers through increased acid production? No one really knows.



Liver: here many functions are performed. One of them is detoxification. Given the glyphosate sinks in the body, this detoxification process is not very effective for glyphosate. A build-up of glyphosate would very likely impair liver functioning. Could glyphosate contribute to liver cancer? No one really knows.



Pancreas: here are digestive enzymes secreted. If membranes become plastered with glyphosate, would this hamper the amount of enzyme secreted? Could this result in digestive problems? Also, the pancreas is where insulin is produced. Could insulin production be hampered by glyphosate build-up and contribute to diabetes? No one really knows.



Colon: this is the place where water is resorbed from the gut. It prevents water loss from the body. Often toxins are moved back into the body if the contents remains too long inside the colon. So, regular elimination is important (a shit a day, keeps the doctor away). If glyphosate starts to build up in the colon wall, could this hamper the water resorption? Could this mean in later life chronic diarrhoea and too much water loss? Could glyphosate build-up contribute to colon cancer? No one really knows.



Kidneys: they filter blood and through resorption urine is separated from the blood. The kidneys are structured as a bundle of very fine tubes. Within these tubes filtration and resorption take place at different locations. It seems obvious that any glyphosate coating of those tubes will hamper the filtration and resorption processes. In other words it will lead to an impairment of the kidneys. How will ongoing impairment of the kidneys work out over a life time? No one really knows.



The peculiar role of the WHO   




10. The peculiar role of the WHO

-- Genetic Engineering: the Glyphosate threat 2 health issues

10. 世界卫生组织奇怪的作用

-- 转基因:草甘膦的威胁2健康问题

By Heimen Julius


Translator: Chen I-wan (cheniwan@mx.cei.gov.cn)




Advisor Chen I-wan comments:



In views of many scholars in China, on any major issue concerning mankind’s health, the WHO is an international institution enjoying very high prestige, standards established by the WHO must be correct and not mistake, absolutely could not be mislead directly or indirectly by the commercial interest of a certain American corporation sacrificing mankind’s health.



This paper reveals that such understandings are too naive, reveals that the WHO before 2002 truly bent over to the influence of the United States influence, facing the situation in which the United States government has approved commercial production of glyphosate-resistant GM soy and such GM soy contain very high glyphosate residue level, on the issue of GM food, and on the issue of the glyphosate residue maximum allowance standard for different foods, the WHO “tend to be copies of the EPA tables. So, the EPA is in general calling the shots”, thus on such issues the WHO failed its priority responsibility to mankind’s health assigned by the World. 



The most respectful aspect of Heimen’s “Genetic Engineering: the Glyphosate threat 2 health issues” report is he did not slide over the serious mistake of WHO on these issues, but faced them, and truthfully revealed them in detail.



The translator must also point out, according to the information learnt to date, the WHO to date has still not adopted any fundamental and effect measures, to correct the serious mistakes on these issues caused by the WHO before 2002.


10. The peculiar role of the WHO

10. 世界卫生组织奇怪的作用


So far the World Health Organisation has not made any waves about genetically engineered foods. Their attitude is rather peculiar. They also produce lists with glyphosate tolerances, which tend to be copies of the EPA tables. So, the EPA is in general calling the shots.



A WHO report on glyphosate was published by them in 1994 as Environmental Health Criteria 159 [5]. It mentions another report claiming that glyphosate was found in groundwater in Texas, USA. No details were given about the measured concentration or the year of measurement [13]. This same WHO report informs us that when glyphosate was applied 5 to 14 days before the harvest of cereals that this resulted in significant residue uptake in the grain and plant materials. What happened then to these residues during milling, baking and brewing is also revealed.



Residues in white flour were approximately 10-20% of those of wheat. Bran had 2 to 4 times more glyphosate than wheat. During baking no glyphosate was lost, but during bread making glyphosate levels were diluted [14].

白面粉中的草甘膦残留量为麦子中残余量的105-20%。麸皮中的草甘膦残留量为麦子中残余量的2 至4倍。面包烘烤过程中草甘膦残留量没有任何损失,但是制作面包过程中草甘膦残留量被(掺入的非转基因面粉—译注)稀释[14]。


Glyphosate in malt and beer originated from barley that was treated in the field. Levels in malt and beer were around 25 and 4% of that in barley. Some of the glyphosate was lost by washing, but most decrease was from dilution in the brewery processes [14].



Glyphosate in groats (processed oats) was around 50% of that in oats from fields with pre-harvest spraying of glyphosate [14].



Despite these findings no direct measurements of glyphosate in foods (as part of food surveillance), in drinking water or in total diets had been carried out by 1994 [13, 14]. The odd thing here is that the WHO did not recommend that this should be done. They only establish this fact and then move on.






[5] Mensink H. et al.1994. Glyphosate. Environmental Health Criteria 159, by World Health Organisation, Geneva. p. 66

[5] Mensink H. et al.1994。草甘膦环境健康标准159,世界卫生组织组织,日内瓦,p66。


[13] Ibid 5 at p. 55.

[13] 参考文献[5] p.55


[14] Ibid 5 at 59.

[14] 参考文献[5] p.59


Unpublished research - Some questions   


世界卫生组织1994年的“草甘膦—环境健康标准 159” 很少涉及人类健康影响。大部分健康影响涉及进行一次性剂量的动物试验以及某些较长期一些的试验。参考文献部分列出了360篇参考文献,但是只有159篇参考文献来自发表的科学刊物,201篇参考文献来自孟山都为首的一篇商业公司从来没有发表过的研究。


11. Unpublished research - Some questions – What next?

-- Genetic Engineering: the Glyphosate threat 2 health issues

11. 没有发表论文的研究 - 某些问题 – 后边

-- 转基因:草甘膦的威胁2健康问题

By Heimen Julius


Translator: Chen I-wan (cheniwan@mx.cei.gov.cn)




Advisor Chen I-wan comments:



The GM “specialists” and their supporters tell the public, the objective of developing GM plants is to provide more and more safety non-harmful better foods for the public to consume and eat.



Since it is to provide to provide more and more safety non-harmful better foods for the public to consume and eat, its development surely should be open and transparent, making efforts for the public to learn everything the public hopes to learn, and definitely should not be black-box operation, close door development, secrete to the public!



The more it is black-box operation, close door development, secrete to the public, the public then has even better reasons to suspect that the GM “specialists” are like to two tailors in the “Emperor’s new cloths”, they in fact are engaged in shady cheating!



The WTO’s only report so far on glyphosate, i.e. the 1994 “Glyphosate - Environmental Health Criteria 159” report, appears to have such a character!



Does not Fang Zhouzi trumpet he suffers “cleanliness” in searching for science truth? Why he becomes silent on such issues and fails to “fight sham”?


Their only report so far on glyphosate seems to be the one of 1994: Glyphosate - Environmental Health Criteria 159 and is more about environmental issues than about human health.



It was put together by "an international task group of experts." One expert from an Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, one from a College of Agriculture, two from a National Institute of Public Health and Environmental Hygiene, one from a National Environmental Protection Agency and … one from the US Environmental Protection Agency, their Health Effects Division.



Human health effects are hardly touched upon in this report. Most health effects concern animals in trials with a single dose or tests of some longer duration. Any adverse effects that show up are just mentioned without going into any depth about the human health implications.


A cursory look through the reference section shows 360 references, but only 159 are from scientific journals and 201 from never published research. Oddly enough, the monograph on glyphosate from 1985 put together by genuine experts in their field [4] was not included.



11. Unpublished research

11. 没有发表论文的研究


It turns out that this unpublished research was done by the following big companies:



Monsanto, - Rhone Poulenc (French), - Luxan BV (Dutch), - Agrichem BV (Dutch), - Institute for Technical Scientific Services GmnH (German), - Cheminova A/S (Danish), - Institute for Environmental Analysis and Biotechnology (German), - International Bioresearch Hannover (Germany), - Huntingdon Research Centre (UK), - Food & Drug Research Laboratories Waverly, New York (USA), - EVS Consultants Seattle, Washington (USA), - Analytical Biochemistry Laboratories Inc. Columbia, Missouri (USA), - Aquatic Toxicology Laboratory Wareham, Massachusetts (USA), - Marine Research Laboratory Pensacola, Florida (USA), - Bio/Dynamics Inc. Dept of Toxicology East Millstone, New Jersey (USA).

孟山都,- Rhone Poulenc (法国), - Luxan BV (荷兰), - Agrichem BV (荷兰), - Institute for Technical Scientific Services GmnH (德国), - Cheminova A/S (丹麦), - Institute for Environmental Analysis and Biotechnology (德国), - International Bioresearch Hannover (德国), - Huntingdon Research Centre (英国), - Food & Drug Research Laboratories Waverly, New York (美国), - EVS Consultants Seattle, Washington (美国), - Analytical Biochemistry Laboratories Inc. Columbia, Missouri (美国), - Aquatic Toxicology Laboratory Wareham, Massachusetts (美国), - Marine Research Laboratory Pensacola, Florida (美国), - Bio/Dynamics Inc. Dept of Toxicology East Millstone, New Jersey (美国).


Some questions



It doesn"t seem that the mentioned companies have much to do with human health issues. Some questions come immediately to mind: why was their research not published in scientific journals and opened up for peer review? Who commissioned this research? The WHO would not have had the money. Was it Monsanto? Who determined the research procedures? Was this left to the scientists of these companies or were they under contract to do the research in a certain way? In other words, was it genuine research or could it have been set up with certain outcomes in mind?



It would not be the first time that this happened. Then fake research is used to crowd out genuine research leading to outcomes favouring commercial interests. It is not said that this occurred here, only that it could have happened. The best way to dispel any such suspicion is by publishing this research and open it up to peer review with a short explanation as to why this had not been done earlier.



The WHO should have the common sense to stay clear of unpublished research; why at all endorse unpublished research? And … why was this WHO expert task force extended with an observer from Monsanto? Was this an attempt to influence the direction this publication would take?



It is obvious that a WHO publication with so much unpublished research cannot be given much scientific credence. The secrecy of the mentioned research enables the companies involved to tell us anything they like.



What next WHO?  




12. What next WHO?

-- Genetic Engineering: the Glyphosate threat 2 health issues

12. 世界卫生组织后是什么?

-- 转基因:草甘膦的威胁2健康问题

By Heimen Julius


Translator: Chen I-wan (cheniwan@mx.cei.gov.cn)




Advisor Chen I-wan comments:



On the issues of GM plant, GM food, glyphosate “residue maximum tolerance limit” contained in food and other important issues concerning global mankind health, should the WHO enable the wrong situation caused by the WHO let the American EPA decide on such issues before 2002 to continue, or should as soon as possible adopt fundamental measures to correct the series of serious mistakes made by WHO before 2002!?


12. What next WHO?

12. 世界卫生组织后是什么?


We have now the situation whereby the WHO is occupied with environmental issues and the US Environmental Protection Agency is making statements about human health. This looks like the world upside down.



The contributor from the US Environmental Protection Agency to this WHO publication was Dr M.S. Morrow, Health Effects Division, Office of Pesticide Programs, US Environmental Protection Agency. So, here we have them all: the EPA has an Office of Pesticide Programs and this has a Health Effects Division. This arrangement would seem that pesticide programs are more important than human health issues. Is there any evidence for this? The setting of glyphosate tolerance levels for food seems to point in that direction.

美国环保局对上述世界卫生组织发表的报告做出贡献的人为M·S· 莫楼博士,在美国环保局农药计划部健康影响处任职。所有,他们现在全部在一起:美国环保局有一个农药计划部,他们又有一个健康影响处。这样的安排之下,农药计划显然比人类健康问题更为重要。这样的看法有无任何证据?对食物的草甘膦耐受水平的设定看来是引导我们指向这样的方向。





[4] Atkinson D. 1985. Toxicological properties of glyphosate - a summary. In: The Herbicide Glyphosate 1985, by Butterworth & Co. (eds. E.Grossbard & D. Atkinson) pp. 127-133.

[4] Atkinson D. 1985。草甘膦的毒理学性质 – 概述。收录:除草剂草甘膦 1985,by Butterworth & Co. (eds. E.Grossbard & D. Atkinson) pp. 127-133。



Maximum residue tolerances - A new update from September 2001 – A trend  


美国环保部1982年规定:“用于直接食用的大部分食品的最高残留量耐用水平,无论肉类、水果或蔬菜,大约为0.2ppm(=mg/kg – 译注),尽管通常较大量食用的谷物产品中的残留量较低(0.1ppm)”(= 0.1 mg/kg – 译注)。1997年进入了孟山都推出耐草甘膦作物的时代,顺应孟山都的商业利益,以牺牲人类健康为代价,美国环保局将大豆草甘膦残留量耐受水平显著提高200倍到20 mg/kg。


13. Maximum residue tolerances

-- Genetic Engineering: the Glyphosate threat 2 health issues

13. 最大残留量耐受水平

-- 转基因:草甘膦的威胁2健康问题

By Heimen Julius


Translator: Chen I-wan (cheniwan@mx.cei.gov.cn)




Advisor Chen I-wan comments:



The “residue maximum tolerance limit” of herbicide contained in food, should be determined through rigorous continued animal feed tests according to principles giving priority consideration to mankind health, or determined by the “residue maximum level” of the herbicide in fact contained in food guided by the commercial interest of such herbicide manufacturing companies.



All person with normal thoughts and without commercial interest bias opinion will emphasize, surely must determine “residue maximum tolerance limits” of herbicide contained in food through rigorous continued animal feed tests according to principles giving priority consideration to mankind health!


但是,孟山都抗草甘膦转基因大豆推出之后,美国环保部却是以优先考虑孟山都公司商业利益为指导原则依据施用孟山都草甘膦除草剂造成的食品含有的草甘膦“残留最高量”来决定顺应孟山都的商业利益,以牺牲人类健康为代价,美国环保局将大豆草甘膦残留量耐受水平显著提高200倍到20 mg/kg!

However, after Monsanto introduced the glyphosate – resistant GM plants, to conform with Monsanto’s commercial interest, with sacrificing human health as the price, the American EPA increased the glyphosate residue tolerance level 200 times to 20 mg/kg!


13. Maximum residue tolerances

13. 最大残留量耐受水平


In 1982 the EPA set maximum glyphosate levels for a number of food items. To quote: "Maximum residue tolerances in most foods for direct consumption, whether meat, fruit or vegetable, are around 0.2 parts per million (ppm), although those in grain products, normally eaten in larger quantities, are lower (0.1ppm). Actual residues in these commodities are usually found to be much lower. Residue studies in animals have shown no detectable levels (<0.05 ppm) of glyphosate or its metabolite to be present in meat tissue, fat, eggs or milk. Low levels were found in liver and kidney and, therefore, a tolerance of 0.5 ppm has been set" [9]. This quote is accompanied by a list of 50 food items. And sure enough most items are in the 0.1 and 0.2 ppm range. But a few stick out.

1982年,美国环保局对一系列食品项目设定了最高草甘膦水平。引用原话:“用于直接食用的大部分食品的最高残留量耐用水平,无论肉类、水果或蔬菜,大约为0.2ppm(=mg/kg – 译注),尽管通常较大量食用的谷物产品中的残留量较低(0.1ppm)”(= 0.1 mg/kg – 译注)。这些商品中的残留量通常发现更低。对动物进行的残留量研究表明,肉类组织、脂肪、鸡蛋或者牛奶中没有可探测到水平(<0.05 ppm)(=<0.05 mg/kg – 译注)草甘膦或者其代谢物。仅在肝脏与肾脏中发现低水平的残留量,因此,设定了 0.5 ppm(=0.5 mg/kg – 译注)的耐受力水平”[9]。引用的上述原话附有50项食品的清单。大部分项目在0.1与0.2 ppm(= 0.1-0.2 mg/kg – 译注)范围。但是个别项目显然突出。


Some tolerance levels



In the following table I have combined some of the values I found in the individual tables for 1982, 1997 and 2001. The bold figures show a trend over the years.



§ 180.364 Glyphosate; tolerances for residues in parts per million (ppm)

§ 180.364 草甘膦;残留量耐受水平表示为ppm(= mg/kg – 译注)






grain crops(谷物)


0.1, except

wheat, oat, sorghum, barley



barley grain(大麦粒)




barley bran(大麦糠)




wheat grain(麦粒)




wheat milling fractions (excluding flour)





wheat straw(麦秆)



not mentioned





,, ,,

oat grain(燕麦粒)




sorghum grain(高粱粒)








Citrus, fruits(柑橘类水果)




Pome fruits(仁果类水果)




Stone fruit(核果)




Leafy vegetables(叶菜)




Soya beans(大豆)




soyabean forage(大豆饲料)




soyabean hay(大豆茎叶)




cattle, kidney(牛,肾)




cattle, liver(牛,肝)









Forage and hay with high glyphosate levels fed to animals cause of course high glyphosate levels in their livers and kidneys.



The slightly higher accepted level in fish from 1982 onwards indicates that fish is a glyphosate sink.



A new table appeared in 1997 [15]. This time there were 133 items and after having entered the era of glyphosate resistant crops some tolerance levels went up remarkably.



Remember what in 1982 was stated? Here it is again: "Maximum residue tolerances in most foods for direct consumption, whether meat, fruit or vegetable, are around 0.2 ppm, although those in grain products, normally eaten in larger quantities, are lower (0.1ppm)."

记得1982年期间怎么声明的?再次引用一下:“用于直接食用的大部分食品的最高残留量耐用水平,无论肉类、水果或蔬菜,大约为0.2ppm(=mg/kg – 译注),尽管通常较大量食用的谷物产品中的残留量较低(0.1ppm)”(= 0.1 mg/kg – 译注)。


But in 1997 the wheat tolerance level was raised to 5 ppm. On what grounds? Obviously to remain in step with the new glyphosate practices for glyphosate resistant crops. This tolerated ppm increase shows clearly that human health is less important to the EPA than pesticide use.

但是1997年,麦子的草甘膦残留量耐受水平提高到了5 ppm(= 5mg/kg – 译注)。在什么基础上提高?显然,为了与耐草甘膦作物新的草甘膦喷洒作业一致。这种耐受水平ppm的提高清楚表明,对美国环保局而言,人类健康的重要性与农药使用相比没有那么重要。


Other grain crops (except wheat, oats, grain sorghum and barley) remained at 0.1 ppm.

其他谷物作物(麦子、燕麦、高粱粒与大麦除外)的草甘膦耐受水平维持在0.1 ppm(= 0.1 mg/kg –译注)。





[15] This list appeared in a publication of 1999 by the Environmental Protection Agency and to my eternal shame I did not jot down its complete title. It concerns a large collection of pesticide residue tolerances in ppm and under § 180.364 you find a list of 133 items for glyphosate residues. The list itself is from 1997 and is also on a federal register (FR 17730, Apr.11, 1977). Fortunately an update of this list is now on the Internet.

[15] 美国环保部1999年列出了这个清单,因为深感羞耻我没有列出它完整的标题。它涉及一大批农药残余量耐受水平的ppm,在§ 180.364下边你们可以找到对于草甘膦残留量的133个食品项目。该清单本身来自1997年,也进行联邦注册(FR 17730, 1977年4月11日)。幸运的是,更新的该清单目前在互联网上公布。


A new update from September 2001 - A trend  


美国环保部1982年规定:“用于直接食用的大部分食品的(草甘膦 – 译注)最高残留量耐用水平,无论肉类、水果或蔬菜,大约为0.2ppm,尽管通常较大量食用的谷物产品中的残留量较低(0.1ppm)”。1997年进入了孟山都推出耐草甘膦作物的时代,顺应孟山都的商业利益,以牺牲人类健康为代价,美国环保局将大豆草甘膦残留量耐受水平显著提高200倍到20 mg/kg! 世界卫生组织对于过敏人群没有进行任何评估。为什么没有?


14. A new update from September 2001 - A trend

-- Genetic Engineering: the Glyphosate threat 2 health issues

14. 2001年9月新的更新 - 趋势

-- 转基因:草甘膦的威胁2健康问题

By Heimen Julius


Translator: Chen I-wan (cheniwan@mx.cei.gov.cn)




Advisor Chen I-wan comments:


美国环保部1982年规定:“用于直接食用的大部分食品的(草甘膦 – 译注)最高残留量耐用水平,无论肉类、水果或蔬菜,大约为0.2ppm(=mg/kg – 译注),尽管通常较大量食用的谷物产品中的残留量较低(0.1ppm)”(= 0.1 mg/kg – 译注)。

In 1982 the American EPA stipulated: "Maximum residue tolerances (of glyphosate – translator note) in most foods for direct consumption, whether meat, fruit or vegetable, are around 0.2 parts per million (ppm), although those in grain products, normally eaten in larger quantities, are lower (0.1ppm).”


1997年进入了孟山都推出耐草甘膦作物的时代,顺应孟山都的商业利益,以牺牲人类健康为代价,美国环保局将大豆草甘膦残留量耐受水平显著提高200倍到20 mg/kg!

In 1997 had entered the Monsanto introduced of glyphosate – resistant GM plant era, to conform with Monsanto’s commercial interest, with sacrificing human health as the price, the American EPA increased the glyphosate residue tolerance level 200 times to 20 mg/kg!


本文作者尖锐指出:“然而,到目前(2002年)为止,世界卫生组织对于过敏人群(的草甘膦残留量耐受水平 – 译注)没有进行任何评估。为什么没有?(因为从来没有试验过任何过敏的老鼠!)”

The author of the paper sharply pointed out: “No evaluations (on glyphosate maximum tolerance level – translator note) have been made so far by the WHO it seems concerning people with allergies. Why not? (Because no allergic rats were ever tested!)”



Based on information learnt by the translator to date, the WHO until today still has not organized any scientific assessment giving priority to human health on the glyphosate maximum tolerance level to either normal people or people with allergies!


14. A new update from September 2001

14. 2001年9月新的更新


The list contains this time 178 items and we are informed that approved pesticides and tolerances are constantly changing [16].



A trend



A trend is emerging:



First reassuring statements are made based on research results with glyphosate sensitive crops. The 1993 paper on the Internet with a worst case scenario is based on research with glyphosate sensitive crops and glyphosate levels representing irrigation water that might have picked up glyphosate in the field.



Then the glyphosate tolerance levels are raised to bring them into line with the new practices for glyphosate resistant crops. And … hopefully nobody will notice the deceit.



Another trend is that the list of glyphosate tolerances for plants gets longer and longer. This indicates that more and more plants are being considered for genetic engineering.



No evaluations have been made so far by the WHO it seems concerning people with allergies. Why not? (Because no allergic rats were ever tested!)

然而,到目前(2002年)为止,世界卫生组织对于过敏人群(的草甘膦残留量耐受水平 – 译注)没有进行任何评估。为什么没有?(因为从来没有试验过任何过敏的老鼠!)





1.[16] From http://www.epa.govthere go to OPP Home if you are not there already. This is the Office of Pesticide Programs home page. Under 1 Enter words/phrases in text box, fill in as follows: glyphosate and tolerances and crop and § 180.364. Under 2 Limit your research fill in text box: all of these words and within the entire document. Then click on the link to your database. This is on right side of your page under Database Searches.Click on Pesticide Residue Limits on Food. Now you should get the table on glyphosate tolerances. I found here a new Internet address, perhaps it will get you there directly. It is: http://www.epa.gov/cgi-bin/oppsrch

http://www.epa.gov,可以访问OPP主页,如果你们还没有访问他们的话。这是农药计划办公室(Office of Pesticide Programs = OPP)的主页。在1下边输入glyphosate and tolerances and crop and § 180.364(草甘膦与耐受水平与作物与§ 180.364)。在2下边限制你的搜寻:all of these words(所有这些词)以及within the entire document(整个文件内)。然后点击你们的数据库。这在该页右侧Database Searches(数据库搜寻 )。点击Pesticide Residue Limits on Food(食品的除草剂残留量限制)。你现在能够获得草甘膦的耐受水平清单。在这里我发现了一个新的互联网地址,也许你们能够从哪里之间获取。地址为:http://www.epa.gov/cgi-bin/oppsrch






15. Conclusions

-- Genetic Engineering: the Glyphosate threat 2 health issues

15. 结论

-- 转基因:草甘膦的威胁2健康问题

By Heimen Julius


Translator: Chen I-wan (cheniwan@mx.cei.gov.cn)




Advisor Chen I-wan comments:



This paper and a large amount of other science papers translated by the translator has effectively proved: Using the Monsanto RR soy seeds growing glyphosate-resistant soy, regardless where they are grown they are all applied with glyphosate herbicides, resulting the grown GM soy all have considerable high glyphosate residue levels, which cause a series of serious harm to animals and continue safety and healthy survival and reproduction!



The Ministry of Health, please report to the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, the CPPCC, the State Council, the media and the Chinese people: What is the mg/kg State Standard for the “glyphosate residue maximum limit” for glyphosate-resistant soy?



During recent years, China each year imports large amounts of glyphosate-resistant soy with very high glyphosate residue levels grown from Monsato’s GM soy seeds.



The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, please tell the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, the CPPCC, the State Council, the media and the Chinese people: What is the mg/kg glyphosate residue level inspected and measured from the large amount of glyphosate-resistant soy imported each year during recent years?



The reports by Ministry of Health and the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine will surely shock the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, the CPPCC, the State Council, the media and the Chinese people!


15. Conclusions

15. 结论


1.      Acceptable levels of glyphosate intake for humans is determined by the US Environmental Protection Organisation, largely based on rat studies. Adverse affects that showed up were ignored and reported in the vaguest possible way. The fact that glyphosate sinks were found in rats, other mammals and fish makes this approach meaningless.



2.      The signs are on the wall that glyphosate will build up in bone and internal organs over a life time. Nobody knows how our bodies will stand up to increasing glyphosate sludge in our internal organs. And what will be the effects on ageing bones? What will be people"s health prospects be at age 45-50 after a life time of ingesting glyphosate? And what about people with allergies?



3.      All foods will in due time contain substantial amounts of glyphosate and/or other herbicides for which food crops have been made genetically resistant.



4.      With continuously upwards changing glyphosate tolerance levels, the final body load of glyphosate from daily food intake will be anybody"s guess. It will increase progressively over time.

4、在(官方确定的 – 译注)草甘膦残留量耐受水平标准不断提高情况下,人体从每天饮食中摄取的草甘膦残留总量将大豆令人猜测的水平。它将随着时间的进展不断增加。


5.      The World Health Organisation should pull up its socks and focus on human health issues. It should stop endorsing unpublished research and so making itself a respectability shield for big business.



6.      The dosing of food crops with herbicides is from a public health viewpoint unacceptable and should be prohibited by law.



Supplementary material recommended by the translator:  









 “GM Soy: Sustainable? Responsible?” Report  



-- 为决策者准备的概述  

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY -- GM Soy: Sustainable? Responsible?  



GM crops -- the health effects, A report by the Soil Association, UK  






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责任编辑:RC 更新时间:2013-05-01 关键字:孟山都  转基因作物  草甘膦  残留量  耐受水平  







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