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GMO Population Control: Spermicidal Corn
March 10, 2009 @ 8:37 pm by Noble 

So, what’s the big deal about Genetically Modified Organisms, anyway? Why is it so damn important that I get that GMO-salad-in-a-bag instead of a local organic salad or, as I did for the first time last year, from greens pulled out of my own back yard? I know food contamination is all over the TV every other day, but as tragic as these cases are, we’re talking about a few hundred people in the most high-profile cases.

Yes, money and market share is a huge motivator, and enough by itself. But, knowing what we do about the agenda and connectedness of the military-industrial-scientific-agricultural-pharmaceutical complex, what other nefarious goals might be on their minds? While I was digging around the web looking for more information on Monsanto, I stumbled across this page about spermicidal corn and population control. She cites the following two chilling articles –  


From Brooklyn Skeptic:  


Thank you CASFS Blog:  


A small California biotech company, Epicyte, in 2001 announced the development of genetically engineered corn which contained a spermicide which made the semen of men who ate it sterile. At the time Epicyte had a joint venture agreement to spread its technology with DuPont and Syngenta, two of the sponsors of the Svalbard Doomsday Seed Vault. Epicyte was since acquired by a North Carolina biotech company. Astonishing to learn was that Epicyte had developed its spermicidal GMO corn with research funds from the US Department of Agriculture, the same USDA which, despite worldwide opposition, continued to finance the development of Terminator technology, now held by Monsanto. More here.  


Joel Salatin on Spermicides in Genetically Modified Crops
Joel Salatin关于转基因作物与杀精剂  

Would a chemical corporation knowingly put spermicides into genetically modified crops? Joel Salatin says they do.  

“化学公司是否有办法在转基因作物中添加杀精成分?Joel Salatin说他们可以”

So last Friday I had dinner in Minneapolis and met a fellow and his family who are farming north of the twin cities. He had attended Purdue University in Indiana, was an excellent student, and Dow Chemical hired him right out of college. He described the fancy trucks, the fancy dinners, the fancy resort conventions that the company supplied.  


His team was working on GMOs and he found out one day that they were putting spermicides into grain to ship strategically to countries around the world where U.S. foreign policy wanted population control. This is part of the U.S. foreign aid package. Appalled at this discovery, he asked the other team members if they had a problem with what was going on — everyone else was fine with it. He handed in his resignation that day.  


I find this shocking and hard to believe. But Joel Salatin is a person I trust. 
我知道这令人惊骇并难以置信。但是Joel Salatin是一位我深信的朋友。  


GM Files: GM Corn to Make Men Sterile Already a Reality 
The Natural Solutions Foundation, the leading Global Health Freedom organization, is proud to present this information to you. We protect your right to know about - and to use - natural ways to maintain and regain your health, no matter where in the world you live. Among your freedoms is the right to clean, unadulterated food free of genetic manipulation, pesticides, heavy metals or other contaminants and access to herbs, supplements, frequency devices and other means as therapies that may benefit or to protect your well-being without drugs and other dangerous interventions, if you choose.  


For more information on our global programs, including the International Decade of Nutrition, and our US based ones, please visit us at www.HealthFreedomUSA.org andwww.GlobalHealthFreedom.org and join the free email list for the Health Freedom eAlerts to keep you in the loop, informed and active defending your right to make your own decisions about your health and wellbeing!
Our activities are supported 100% by your tax deductible donations. Please give generously (http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?page_id=189) to the Natural Solutions Foundation. Thank you for your support.
Feel free to disseminate this information as widely as possible with full attribution.

The World Health Organization has a Task Force on the Regulation of Male Fertility. In 1990 a paper was published in Lancet, a well-regarded British medical journal detailing the use of testosterone injections to render men sterile. The abstract of the article noted “Hormonal regimens that induce azoospermia [lack of fertile sperm] can provide highly effective, sustained, and reversible male contraception with minimum side-effects.”  

Minimum, that is, if the increase in testosterone does not promote tumors (including cancer) in the brain, prostate and elsewhere as it is well documented to do.  



The Natural Solutions Foundation believes that the genetic engineering of food will inevitably lead to serious damage to animals, plants and the environment which have not been taken into account through the US policy of declaring GM foods equivalent to non GM ones. This policy was put into action by President George H. W. Bush and has led to the FDA’s refusal to require or conduct safety (or other) tests on GM foods and to allow ANY food patented for its GM modifications on the market. In a clever end-run, the US is now attempting to have Codex Alimentarius, the body which sets standards for the international trade of food, to declare that any food on the market is, by definition, to be considered safe. That way, countries which require labeling of GM foods, or which ban it outright, will likely face crippling World Trade Organizations sanctions.


自然解决方案基金会认为,食品基因工程必然会导致动物、植物及自然环境的严重破坏,而这些结果还未被美国转基因食品申报政策所顾及。这一政策由乔治 H·W·布什政府实施,并致使FDA拒绝,要求或主导对转基因食物安全性(和其他特性)的测试,允许各式转基因专利食品推向市场。这一策划之后,美国现在正试图编制食品法典以统一国际食品贸易标准,随后将声明市场上的任何食物从名义上都被认为具有安全性。这样,对于那些要求对转基因食品添加标签的国家,或现在禁止转基因食品销售的国家,将极有可能面临世界贸易组织的严重制裁。  

At the Working Group convened by the Codex Committee on Food Labeling (CCFL) this past February in Accra, Ghana, the US worked mightily to make that language part of a document which it helped to author and which may become an official Codex text. African countries saw the strategy and opposed it en bloc, supported by Russia, Japan, Norway, Switzerland and the EU.  


This first step toward autonomy from the US corporate friendly policy on GM foods must be followed by similar strong stands at the upcoming CCFL meeting and forthcoming ones as well.  


The Natural Solutions Foundation is giving its strong support to such efforts. As an organization supported totally by donations, our work requires your support. US donations are fully tax deductible. Recurring donations are particularly helpful to us. Click here (http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?page_id=189) to make your donation now. And don’t forget to sign up for the free Health Freedom eAlerts covering the full range of health freedom issues with powerful action steps in every issue. Click here (http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?page_id=187) to sign up now.

Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima

Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation

The World Health Organization also has a Task Force on Vaccines for Fertility Regulation. An article in Human Reproduction (Human Reproduction, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 166-172, 1991© 1991 European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology) called “The WHO Task Force on Vaccines for Fertility Regulation. Its formation, objectives and research activities” by P.D. Griffin of the Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction, World Health Organization 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland summarized its work this way:  

“世界卫生组织(WHO)也有一个关于控制人口生育的疫苗研究工作组。据《人类生殖》上一篇文章(人类生殖,卷6,第1页。166-172,1991Â © 1991年欧洲人类生殖及胚胎学会)将其称为“世界卫生组织生育调节疫苗。它是由“世界卫生组织1211,日内瓦27号,人类生殖研究,开放及研究培训项目中心”的格里芬博士建立和主导。瑞士对其工作重点概括如下:”  

“Over the past 18 years, the WHO Task Force on Vaccines for Fertility Regulation has been supporting basic and clinical research on the development of birth control vaccines directed against the gametes or the preimplantation embryo. These studies have involved the use of advanced procedures in peptide chemistry, hybridoma technology and molecular genetics as well as the evaluation of a number of novel approaches in general vaccinology. As a result of this international, collaborative effort, a prototype anti-HCG vaccine is now undergoing clinical testing, raising the prospect that a totally new family planning method may be available before the end of the current decade.”  


“在过去18年中,世界卫生组织工作组对生育控制疫苗的开发进行了不断的支持和临床试验,研究目的为阻止配子和早期胚胎的形成。这些研究涉及到多肽化学、杂交瘤细胞技术和分子遗传学等先进方法的使用,以及一些新型疫苗的的评估测试。由于国际间协同努力的结果,一种 “抗-人体绒毛膜促性腺激素” 原型疫苗已在进行临床测试,一种全新的计划生育方法可望在本十年内实现”  

That means that since 1973 the World Health Organization has been looking for ways to use vaccines and injections to control the world’s fertility. If those methods are offered to men and women so that they can make a choice about their reproductive lives, well and good. If, however, they are hidden in smallpox vaccines (Africa) with the avowed purpose of “eliminating 150 million excess Sub Saharan Africans” as they were in vaccines distributed by the WHO starting in 1985, or in tetanus vaccines which would cause abortions in South and Central America women starting in the 1990’s, we are not dealing with reproductive options, but reproductive genocide.  



The FDA approved the same sterility vaccine in the US within the last 18 months. For what purpose? Which group will receive it in which vaccine, hidden in a syringe supposedly offered to “protect” patients?


“过去18个月内,美国FDA批准同样的不育疫苗在美国使用。这是以什么为目的?在理应 “保护”病人的注射器隐藏之下,哪一个种族将接受这种疫苗的注射?(笔者:如2008年10月起,美国强制要求新绿卡居民和新公民接受“人类乳突病毒疫苗注射”,大概150元一针,引起反对人士强烈抗议。利益集团要做到对美国众多的拉美、非洲裔、印度裔、亚裔、及其他非盎格鲁犹太移民的人口控制,简直易如反掌)”  

Is the World Health Organization empowered to decide which group of people may reproduce and which must become sterile? And if so, by whom is it so empowered? How about the FDA?  


As bad as this news is, there is worse news yet to come. Corn, sacred in Mexico and Central America as the very staff of life, has been turned into the very end of life. Genetic modification of corn has turned the Mexo American giver of life into the stuff that can end a race - perhaps the human race - by engendering sterility in males who eat it.  


Genetically modified corn is used to create high fructose corn syrup, flavors, starches, flours, proteins, sugars and most of the other ingredients which make up our processed foods. The US refuses to allow the labeling of foods which contain genetically modified ingredients (like corn) to be labeled to indicate that fact so we are looking at the possibility of undeclared birth control “foods” rendering whole populations sterile. The US Government, starting with George Herbert Walker Bush, has adopted the policy that genetically modified foods are the same as unmodified ones. The sterility corn is therefore, under this policy, the same as natural corn.   


If the US has its way, all such products will be acceptable for international trade without any labeling. It behooves the other countries of the world to face down the demands of the US and its allies at the Codex table to make sure that no such permission is granted, that a ban on GM food is put in place for the international trade of seed and processed food, flours and other consumables, that animals are not fed GM feeds and that all genetically modified foods imported from countries such as the US bear not only the information that they contain GM food, but the specific strain which they contain listed on their label for both bulk processors and the final consumer




A small California biotech company, Epicyte, in 2001 announced the development of genetically engineered corn which contained a spermicide which made the semen of men who ate it sterile. At the time Epicyte had a joint venture agreement to spread its technology with DuPont and Syngenta, two of the sponsors of the Svalbard Doomsday Seed Vault. Epicyte was since acquired by a North Carolina biotech company. Astonishing to learn was that Epicyte had developed its spermicidal GMO corn with research funds from the US Department of Agriculture, the same USDA which, despite worldwide opposition, continued to finance the development of Terminator technology, now held by Monsanto.  


In the 1990’s the UN’s World Health Organization launched a campaign to vaccinate millions of women in Nicaragua, Mexico and the Philippines between the ages of 15 and 45, allegedly against Tentanus, a sickness arising from such things as stepping on a rusty nail. The vaccine was not given to men or boys, despite the fact they are presumably equally liable to step on rusty nails as women.  


Because of that curious anomaly, Comite Pro Vida de Mexico, a Roman Catholic lay organization became suspicious and had vaccine samples tested. The tests revealed that the Tetanus vaccine being spread by the WHO only to women of child-bearing age contained human Chorionic Gonadotrophin or hCG, a natural hormone which when combined with a tetanus toxoid carrier stimulated antibodies rendering a woman incapable of maintaining a pregnancy. None of the women vaccinated were told.  


It later came out that the Rockefeller Foundation along with the Rockefeller’s Population Council, the World Bank (home to CGIAR), and the United States’ National Institutes of Health had been involved in a 20-year-long project begun in 1972 to develop the concealed abortion vaccine with a tetanus carrier for WHO. In addition, the Government of Norway, the host to the Svalbard Doomsday Seed Vault, donated $41 million to develop the special abortive Tetanus vaccine.



Is it a coincidence that these same organizations, from Norway to the Rockefeller Foundation to the World Bank are also involved in the Svalbard seed bank project? According to Prof. Francis Boyle who drafted the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989 enacted by the US Congress, the Pentagon is ‘now gearing up to fight and win biological warfare’ as part of two Bush national strategy directives adopted, he notes, ‘without public knowledge and review’ in 2002. Boyle adds that in 2001-2004 alone the US Federal Government spent $14.5 billion for civilian bio-warfare-related work, a staggering sum.




Rutgers University biologist Richard Ebright estimates that over 300 scientific institutions and some 12,000 individuals in the USA today have access to pathogens suitable for biowarfare. Alone there are 497 US Government NIH grants for research into infectious diseases with biowarfare potential. Of course this is being justified under the rubric of defending against possible terror attack as so much is today.  


Many of the US Government dollars spent on biowarfare research involve genetic engineering. MIT biology professor Jonathan King says that the ‘growing bio-terror programs represent a significant emerging danger to our own population.’ King adds, ‘while such programs are always called defensive, with biological weapons, defensive and offensive programs overlap almost completely.’  


Time will tell whether, God Forbid, the Svalbard Doomsday Seed Bank of Bill Gates and the Rockefeller Foundation is part of another Final Solution, this involving the extinction of the Late, Great Planet Earth.  


F. William Engdahl is the author of Seeds of Destruction, the Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation just released by Global Research. He also the author of A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order, Pluto Press Ltd.  

F.威廉 恩达尔是《种子破坏者》一书的作者,在做了世界性的研究之后提出了“基因操纵是一隐藏议程”的说法。他同时还著有一书名为《一个世纪的战争》,专门描述盎格魯-美国集团的实行的油气政策和世界新次序的建立,由冥王星出版社发行



Spermicidal Breakfast Cereal  


This article was translated from the Spanish by Miguel Alvarado.
下文由Miguel Alvarado从西班牙语翻译而成  

Just when the global diatribe over food and genetically modified crops (GM) is heating up in tone and breadth, the corporations that create them are staging a showcase for a fresh batch of transgenics.   


These new GM crops, known as biopharmaceuticals, or biopharms for short, produce industrial and pharmaceutical chemicals within their tissues. The plants, including soy, rice, corn and tobacco, are genetically altered to produce substances such as growth hormones, curdling agents (coagulants), vaccines for humans (as well as farm animals), human antibodies, industrial enzymes, contraceptives and even pregnancy deterrents. 


Scientists and corporations alike embrace biopharmaceuticals with glee: "Imagine being able to harvest enough globulin (a compound that fights arthritis) for the whole world in all of fifty acres?" writes Dr. William O. Robertson for the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. "Imagine being able to find the protein healthy people use to prevent arthritis or breast cancer and being able to produce it in large quantities in rice and tobacco." 

ProdiGene, a leader in the field, calculates that by the end of this decade, 10% of the corn produced in the US will be biopharmaceutical. The volume of biopharmaceutical drugs and chemicals could reach the $200 billion figure, according to Dow AgroSciences" Guy Cardinau. 


But some scientists and ecologists are concerned. Will it be possible to contain and segregate such crops, fruit and seed, in order to avoid a biological Chernobyl?   


Is there any guarantee that these products won"t accidentally end up at the supermarket? And how can we keep their pollen from fertilizing other fields and reproducing out of control?   

“一个生物技术公司造成的单一错误,便会导致我们将他人研制的药物当作早餐食用”国际生态组织地球之友的发言人拉里波伦 这样发出警告。

"What will happen if the pollen of a transgenic plant containing some kind of drug fertilizes a nearby edible crop?" argues the Erosion, Technology and Concentration Action Group (ETC) in a report published in 2000.   

“如果含有药物制剂的转基因植物花粉对邻近可食用作物授粉以后会怎样?” “侵蚀,技术和集中行小组(ETC)在2000年的一份报告中这样争论。  

The report continues to ask: "How will the soil microorganisms and insects which benefit agriculture be affected by crops genetically designed to produce industrial and pharmaceutical chemicals? What will happen if animals eat the biopharmaceutical crops? Will the biopharmaceutical proteins be altered during the various stages of growth, harvest and storage? Will they cause allergic reactions?   


According to biologist Brian Tokar, professor at the Institute for Social Ecology, the most serious problems concern cross-pollination and unknown effects to insects, soil microorganisms and other native life-forms. 
据社会生态技术学院的生物学家 布赖恩托卡里所讲,最严重的问题包括有交叉授粉和对昆虫、土壤微生物和其他那些本土生态形式无法预知的后果。  

A Little Mishap In Nebraska 

There have been mistakes with these crops already. In November 2002, at an agricultural cooperative in Aurora, Nebraska, 500,000 bushels of soy were contaminated with biopharmaceutical corn. One of the coop members harvested an experimental batch of corn for ProdiGene the year before and then proceeded to plant a crop of soy for human consumption in the same field.   

目前这些作物已产生一些错误。 2002年11月,在内布拉斯加州,奥罗拉的一家农场里,有50万蒲式耳(单位,相当于2150.42立方英寸,或35.42升)大豆被发现遭到生物制药玉米的污染。之前一年,农场一位成员为ProdiGene基因公司试种了一批试验用玉米,而后他在同一土地上种植了供人类食用的大豆。  

During a routine inspection, federal officials from the Department of Agriculture found the corn stalks for ProdiGene growing among the soy plants. By the time they made the discovery, soy from that field was already being stored mixed with the soy of other coop members. Fortunately, the authorities were able to segregate the contaminated grain just before it reached the supermarket aisles.   


The company was slapped with a $500,000 fine for negligence; yet, and in spite of such gross near disaster, the government still allows the corporation to continue with biopharmaceutical research as well as keeping the precise nature of the contaminating batch in Nebraska a trade secret. Mark Ritchie, president of the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, describes the incident as the "Three Mile Island" of biotechnology, in reference to the emergency caused by a nuclear reactor in the 70s.  



After the ProdiGene scandal, two industrial corporations which had so far supported transgenic research began to reconsider their positions. The Grocery Manufacturers Association, a group which represents supermarket distributing companies, expressed concern about the possibility that biopharmaceuticals could end up contaminating food supplies; such concern was also shared by the National Food Processors Association. The president, John Cady, requested strict and mandatory regulations in order to protect food products from being contaminated by biopharms.   


Other people don"t share such concerns. The Biotechnology Industry Organization, a group that represents biotech companies, and the American Farm Bureau Federation, an organization dedicated to Big Farming, are currently lobbying in Washington to obtain support from the federal government in order to weaken biopharmaceutical regulations. 

Biological contamination 

Transgenic products unfit for human consumption have already contaminated the food chain. At the end of the year 2000, environmental and consumer advocacy groups in the United States discovered that hundreds of american products in the supermarkets had been contaminated with traces of Starlink, a genetically enhanced GM corn that was declared unfit for human consumption by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).   


Although the Starlink strain was farmed in just 0.04% of the US corn production area, and was only meant for farm animal consumption, it ended up tainting 430 million bushels and to this day keeps showing up regularly in US exports.   


"The Starlink discovery in Japan and South Korea, two of the most important US corn consumers, indicates that it could be found anywhere," remarks Meena Raman, from Malaysia, coordinator in Asia for Friends of the Earth Transgenics Program. "Until the US and Aventis (the biotechnology company that created Starlink) controls contamination, no other countries should allow corn imports."
“日本和韩国作为美国最重要的两个玉米消费国,不断发现“星联”基因,并有理由表明它能在世界上任何地方被找到” 来自马来西亚的亚洲地球之友转基因计划协调员米娜拉曼说,“在美国和安万特(即发明“星联”玉米的生物技术公司)完全控制污染之前,任何国家不应允许玉米的进口。”  

A more severe case of genetic contamination is taking place in Mexico, where the presence of GM corn has been documented since 2001. It continues to show up in rural farming communities, both peasant and indigenous, sown by small farmers who are not aware of the transgenic threat; and it is proliferating rapidly, across wild and mixed varieties, in spite of the Mexican government"s ban on transgenic crops, in effect since 1998. This contamination deeply concerns environmentalists, scientists and farmers, since Mexico is the cradle of corn and axis of its diversity, rendering the long term consequences on the environment and human health uncertain. 



In Mexico, people are distressed by the possibility that biopharmaceutical corn could be introduced in the country. Silvia Ribeiro, of the ETC organization, expresses great annoyance about the California-based company Epicyte, which ostentatiously declared having developed a spermicidal corn to be used as a contraceptive.   


Ribeiro stated in La Jornada: "The potential of spermicidal corn as a biological weapon is outrageous, since it easily interbreeds with other varieties, is capable of going undetected and could lodge itself at the very core of indigenous and farming cultures. We have witnessed the execution of repeated sterilization campaigns performed against indigenous communities. This method is certainly much more difficult to trace."   

在拉霍尔纳达的 里贝罗说,“把杀精玉米作为生物武器的潜在可能性是令人不能容忍的,因为它很容易便与其他品种杂交,很容易便能混入本地农耕作物的核心部位,并很难被发现。我们已经目睹了他们在印第安人社区反复执行的绝育活动。使用这种方法当然是更加难以追查。”  

We cover the world 

Where are biopharms cultivated? All over the world. At the molecularfarming.com website, investors solicit the collaboration of farmers willing to lease their land for biopharmaceutical experiments anywhere in the world. They have signed agreements in Brazil, Ireland, Australia, Greece, Zimbabwe, Panama and many other countries. 

Activist Beth Burrows first denounced the claims at the Molecular Farming"s website. Burrows is president of the Edmonds Institute, a nonprofit dedicated to bioethics and biosecurity issues. 

Award-winning journalist Devinder Sharma, an expert in agricultural and nutritional matters who lives in India, comments on molecularfarming.com: "This is part of a global scheme to transfer dirty industries onto the Third World."   


"First came the exporting of toxic and industrial recycled waste to developing countries in Africa and Southeast Asia. Now comes the biopharms. In the US there"s a huge problem regarding these crops. What are they gonna do? Transfer dirty technology." 


Don"t worry, be happy 

In spite of all this, biopharming advocates assure us that they"re perfectly safe. Doctor Allan S. Felsot, an environmental toxicologist at Washington State University considers the use of plants to produce pharmaceuticals and other chemicals "not even a new concept, if we take into account that we"ve used medicinal plants for centuries." 

Felsot insists there"s nothing unusual about our breeding human proteins in the tissues of transgenic plants. "The proteins (in question) are the same found in our bodies. Most of them are used as medicine through cellular fermentation. They are very well defined and have been subject to exhaustive research and clinical trials on humans."

Doctor Robertson adds: "The possibilities boggle the mind, the opportunities are impossible to grasp in their totality and the risks appear minimal when they"re compared with the risks we have encountered in medicine throughout the years." 

What"s ahead? 

"What will have to happen before the Department of Agriculture takes seriously the fact that millions of people almost ended up consuming experimental drugs and chemicals?" asks Brandon Keim, of the Council for Responsible Genetics in reference to the ProdiGene scandal. "A few sensational deaths? Maybe an increase in debilitating disorders which will only be noticeable some decades later, when it"s already too late?" 

Biopharmaceuticals are in an experimental stage but the corporations producing them anxiously await the day when federal authorities give them the go-ahead to enter the market. 

Carmelo Ruiz is a journalist and a research associate of the Institute for Social Ecology. He has previously published in Grist, E Magazine, the New York Daily News, Corporate Watch, IPS and other media.  





世界末日种子库在距离北极点约1000 公里的挪威斯瓦尔巴群岛的一处山洞中,约1 亿粒世界各地的农作物种子被保存在零下18 摄氏度的地窖中。在这样的条件下,小麦、大麦和豌豆等重要农作物种子可持续保存长达1000年;而生存能力最长的高粱种子,大约能存放1.95 万年。此外,该种子库堪称全球最安全的基因储存库,其安全性堪比美国国家黄金储藏库,甚至可以抵御地震和核武器。



卡洛琳·波伦拍摄了把印度一农场的植物种子运到挪威“末日种子库”的全过程,这也是媒体记者首次走进这座神秘的 “植物诺亚方舟”。



从外面看“世界末日种子库”,并不觉得它很大。但是当你走过那长约120 米的隧道,而四周都是凝结的冰霜,这时,你就会感觉到它的深不可测。  

据卡洛琳·波伦回忆,穿过长长的隧道后,种子库工作人员让她穿上了厚厚的羽绒服。接着,她从一个稍微倾斜的踏板进入种子库的山洞入口,经过一条由钢筋水泥建成的、长约40 米的通道后,就到了种子库的“核心地带”:3 间并排的独立冷藏室,每间长27 米,宽9.5 米,高5 米。每个冷藏室的金属门上都覆盖着冰霜。3 间冷藏室中,目前两间空置,一间已经贮藏超过1 亿粒种子。令人遗憾的是,没有人知道,在这间近300 平方米的储存室里,那些来自世界各地的种子是如何放置的。卡洛琳回忆说,当初她在与卡里·福勒商量拍摄权限时,福勒表示,她可以拍摄种子从种植基地到种子库建筑的任何镜头,但惟有冷藏室被禁止进入。种子库工作人员麦克告诉卡洛琳,这间储藏室在建筑期间,一共只配了三把钥匙。其中,他的这把钥匙是卡里·福勒给他的,每次任务结束得立即还给卡里·福勒。据麦克推测,另外两把中的一把可能在挪威政府手中,最后一把钥匙的主人无人知晓。挪威人还给种子库取了另一个响亮的名字:“末日穹顶”。麦克说,之所以用“末日”来命名这个计划,这是因为基金会认为,人类如果不节制自己的行为,那么地球的末日可能真的会到来。而用“穹顶”一词则有三层含义:一是种子库位于北极,这里可以称得上是地球的“穹顶”;二是只有“穹顶”才是人们最后可以生存和呼吸的地方;三是希望这个种子库可以像人们搁置在“穹顶”上的东西一样,永远不会使用。



“世界末日种子库”的建造成本高达911 万美元,由挪威政府出资。美国《时代周刊》杂志将这一种子库评选为2008 年“50 项最重要发明”时,对它的安全性也称赞有加。事实上,该种子库被誉为全球1400 多家种子银行的“最佳后援”。比如在伊拉克、阿富汗境内的种子库因为战争被破坏;2006 年,菲律宾一家种子库也因洪水毁于一旦。  

气候恶劣、寒冷、人迹罕至,所有这些对人类而言的不利因素,却让该种子库比其他种子库更加安全。种子库的外围是厚达1 米的水泥墙,库内备有防爆破门和两个密封舱。其安全性堪比美国肯塔基州国家黄金储藏库纳克斯堡,甚至可以抵御原子弹爆炸。2008 年2 月,在种子库竣工前一周,当地发生了一次里氏6.2 级的地震,但种子库内的冷藏室却安然无恙。此外,由于种子库比海平面高出130 米,所以即使全球气候变暖,北极冰层融化,也难以将其淹没。在这里,人们不用担心种子库被盗。因为在斯瓦尔巴群岛,北极熊是恪尽职守的“巡逻员”。“在斯匹茨卑根岛,可以看见一块写有‘当心北极熊’的三角形路标,底色为黑色,上面画着一只白色北极熊,外部轮廓为红色。”据卡洛琳介绍。岛上的北极熊多达5000 多头,比人还多。加之岛上人口相对“稠密”的区域在岛的西部,在那里,住着几百户流动人家。而斯瓦尔巴全球种子库则位于岛的东部,周围常有北极熊出没。据说,在种子库的建设时期,建设者们对北极熊恩威并施,又是喂食,又是持枪保卫,才和它们相安无事。在种子库门口,就竖立着一个巨型北极熊冰雕。2008年3 月, 挪威王储马格那斯(Haakon Magnus)亲临该种子库。期间,他提出想亲眼看一看种子库的“核心地带”:储藏室,结果吃了闭门羹;10 月,继卡洛琳拍摄完种子库不久,美国前总统、85 岁高龄的吉米·卡特带着拯救世界基金会的工作人员来到这里,依然没能进入种子库的“心脏”。



距北极点约1000公里的挪威斯瓦尔巴群岛的一处山洞中有一座世界末日种子库,旨在防止植物因天灾人祸灭绝,为植物学家提供种子基因。要想保存这些“末日种子”的活性,冷藏室中的温度必须保持在零摄氏度以下。由于配备了大型制冷空调设备,种子冷藏时能够常年保持零下18 摄氏度的低温。在这样的条件下,小麦、大麦和豌豆等重要农作物种子可持续保存长达1000年;而生存能力最长的高粱种子,大约能存放1.95 万年。但是,并不是所有的种子都能在冷冻条件下贮藏的,被联合国粮农机构评为世界上第四重要的作物香蕉(仅次于水稻、小麦、玉米)就是一个例子。很多物种的种子都需要频繁更换,才能保证种子的“新鲜”、“可复制”。一些持气候变暖论的专家表示,植物基因可能比黄金更珍贵。在比利时,科学家把从全球收集来的香蕉样本贮藏在液氮设备中;同样的行动在法国也有,他们收集来自世界各地的咖啡种子。但是,对于部分热带的咖啡种子来说,它们是很难被保存的。如今,全世界发达国家都开始意识到“种子基因库”的重要性。“末日种子库”虽由挪威政府出资建造,但它的整个运作经费则由英国澳大利亚德国美国及一些个人基金会共同承担。《纽约时报》评论说:通过种子银行的方式保护植物多样性是一项十分紧急的工作,因为如今在许多农田里,农民为了提高产量,仅种植1 到2 种作物。这跟“纯种的狗更娇贵”的道理一样,如此培育出来的植物更易受到害虫侵害。据了解,在中国,最大的植物种子库建于云南昆明,这也是中国最大的野生植物种子库。该种子库建于2007 年,以保护野生植物多样性为主。  



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责任编辑:RC 更新时间:2013-05-01 关键字:转基因  生物武器  杀精  人口控制  







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